Manokwari Regency Government Extends Covid-19 Emergency Response Period

The Government of Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province will extend the emergency response period of a new type of non-natural corona virus (COVID-19) that is still endemic in the area.

Manokwadi Regent daily executive Edi Budoyo told a number of media crews in Manokwari on Friday that positive confirmation of COVID-19 was still found in this area and additional cases were still occurring in the last few days.

"It will continue to be extended. According to the report submitted to me there are still new patients," said Budoyo.

Regarding this plan, the Regent continued, his side would coordinate more technically with the West Papua Province COVID-19 Task Force, because it would not take a unilateral step towards the extension plan.

"Usually the extension is 14 days. Is 14 days enough or up to 1 month. We will know that from the results of coordination later," he added.

Although the emergency response period was extended, Manokwari District Government no longer enforced work from home or work from home for the state civil service (ASN). In accordance with the circular issued by the regional head, ASN has entered the office since Wednesday (7/16).

While in office and providing services to the community, health protocols must be implemented strictly. To reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 working hours it is limited to only five hours from 08.00 Central Indonesian Time to 13.00 Central Indonesian Time without rest.

Furthermore, each OPD leader must implement a work schedule for staff or ASN in their respective work environments. The application of the schedule is adjusted to the availability of space for each office.

For educational activities, Manokwari Regency Government has not yet allowed face-to-face learning activities for early childhood education (PAUD), kindergartens, elementary schools, madrasas ibtidaiyah (MI), junior high schools and madrasas tsanawiyah (MTs).

Schools are also prohibited from gathering students in any form at the beginning of this new school year, including the introduction of the school environment (MPLS) for new students. MPLS should be carried out by implementing online systems or providing modules.

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