The Papua Regional Police confiscated three packages containing the attributes of separatist groups calling themselves the Provisional Government of the Federal Republic of West Papua (NRFPB) at Oksibil Airport, Bintang Mountains, Papua. The police said they would find out who the owner of the package was.
"That is from the State of the Federal Republic of West Papua (NRFPB) which, according to information the center is in Sorong, West Papua," said Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw, in Jayapura, Friday (07/17/2020).
Paulus said that currently he was exploring who sent the package and addressed to whom. He also said that he would look for the owner of the package.
"Evidence has been secured, but still looking for the owner of the item," explained Paulus.
Paulus meduga this group is looking for attention in the middle of the Corona pandemic. Paulus also claimed to have detected the existence of the NRFPB group.
"Indeed, they are trying to find existence in circumstances like this. They are there, their struggle on the coast, we have found them practicing on an island in West Papua," he said.
Paulus revealed that they often distributed food or donated funds to recruit followers. The group, said Paulus, also likes to attend community events or invite residents to take sympathy from citizens to join the group.
"So their system is like this, residents who give their same attention, contribute to the form of food or funds, they immediately record it as part of followers, that's the mode," he said.
"Several times they invited people from the village to worship and suddenly there was a declaration, then suddenly they were given official clothing such as military clothing, the modes," continued Paul.
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