Burning stones is one of the traditions of the people of Papua. Soldiers of the Infantry Battalion Task Force (Satgas Yonif) 754 / ENK / 20/3 Kostrad together with residents carried out these activities in the context of a joint thanksgiving conducted in Aroanop Village, Tembagapura District, Mimika Regency.
Lieutenant Colonel D Dodi Nur Hidayat as Dansatgas said, the Task Force members in Aroanop Village were doing rock-burning activities with the local community.
"The activity carried out is a form of community gratitude together with members of the task force. In addition, it is also one of the steps to preserve the culture of the Papuan people," he said, Saturday (7/18).
In the event, Letda Inf Cighra as Danpos Aroanop mingled with the community to process all raw materials that will be enjoyed together.
The rock burning activity went smoothly and safely even though only a few residents attended it because there were still many who were in Timika and had not yet returned to Aroanop.
A resident of Antonius (36) said that this activity was a form of togetherness between the community and the task force members in their village.
"This is a form of togetherness between us and the task force members," he said.
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