1000 Combined TNI/Polri Personnel Alerted for May 10 Demo

Anticipating demonstrations against the formation of new autonomous regions (DOB) and Otsus, the Jayapura City Police prepared 1,000 joint TNI/Polri personnel.

This was revealed by the Jayapura City Police Chief, Kombes Pol Gustav R. Urbinas, SH, S.IK., M.Pd when interviewed, Saturday (7/5) afternoon at the Police Headquarters.
Police Commissioner. Gustav Urbinas firmly warned the alliance on behalf of the Papuan People's Petition (PRP) who wanted to hold a demonstration to cancel their intentions.

"I remind you of the 10 May action, when a group appears, we immediately take firm action by forcibly disbanding it according to the procedure," he stressed.

He also said that so far, the police have never closed the democratic space to express their aspirations. "We have never restricted anyone, but that requirement has been regulated in Law No. 9 of 1998," he said.

Regarding the May 10 demonstration in Jayapura City, according to him, he did not meet the formal requirements according to the rules, even a notification letter or permit was given like a thief, where they came and gave a letter without telling them what their purpose was and ran away.
"Formally, it does not meet the requirements because there is no clarification from the party who will carry out the demonstration, even ordering other people to deliver a letter of application for permission to act, even though it has been regulated in Law No. 9 of 1998," he concluded.

Therefore, Kombes Pol Gustav Urbinas reiterated that his party would disperse the masses who carried out the action by force according to the procedure. "I hope the public is wise, in responding to it, do not want to participate in something that can harm themselves and others," he explained.

In addition, the Head of Police also asked the public to carry out their activities as usual and not to take part in the action because it would harm themselves because the demonstration was not given permission from the Police.

"People don't need to worry, we will provide a sense of security and comfort, especially actions that have the potential to disrupt order," he concluded.

SOURCE : https://www.nokenlive.com/2022/05/08/1000-personil-joinan-tni-polri-disiagakan-untuk-demo-10-mei/

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