Continuous efforts to build transportation connectivity in Papua

The Ministry of Transportation for the last eight years has continued to develop transportation infrastructure facilities in Papua Province in accelerating the realization of connectivity between regions in Papua.

The construction of infrastructure for the transportation sector in Eastern Indonesia is in line with the government's program, namely developing Indonesia from the periphery through a new approach to development that is Indonesia-centric in Papua.

To achieve successful development on Cenderawasih Earth is not an easy matter, because there are many obstacles and challenges that always stand in the way of its implementation in the field.

However, the government under President Joko Widodo-Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin seems to have never given up on improving the welfare of the people in Papua.

Until now, people in Papua should be grateful because they have been able to enjoy the transportation infrastructure built by the government of President Joko Widodo.

Combined with the Gatemas Hasrat Papua development program initiated by Papuan Governor Lukas Enembe, most people in Papua have been able to see various development changes, especially in the transportation sector.

Improved development

During the administration of President Joko Widodo, he made a breakthrough in the construction of the Trans Papua road with a total length of 3,462 kilometers.

Until August 2021, of the total length, currently 3,446 km of roads have penetrated, with 1,733 km of asphalt, 1,712 km of unpaved roads and 16 km of unpaved roads.

Meanwhile, from PLN's electrical energy infrastructure, its success can be seen from the increase in the electrification ratio.

The electrification ratio of Papua Province which previously was only 30.48 percent in 2013 has shot up to 77 percent in 2018. And in 2021 for Papua it is 94.55 percent of the 100 percent target in 2022.

This increase is felt in rural areas as directly mandated by the President. Namely, during his visit to Papua a few years ago.

For the problem of the poverty level of Papua Province, it has also decreased and the quality of life of the people has increased.

According to data, in 2013 the poverty rate reached 31.13 percent, but then decreased to 27.38 percent in 2021.

In addition, in 2021 the gross regional domestic product (GRDP) at current prices (ADHB) for Papua Province has reached IDR 235.34 trillion.

The government continues to strive to optimize development for the Papuan people so that they feel justice as enjoyed by the people of other regions in Indonesia.

The success of development in Papua Province should be a benchmark because of the government's great attention to the people of Papua.

It is not an easy matter to realize various development programs in Papua, which has an area three times the size of the island of Java.

Not only the Trans road in Papua which was built by the government of President Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin, but also the access road to the border of neighboring Papua New Guinea.

In addition, new docks or ports were also built and revitalized old ports to strengthen sea toll transportation to assist the Papuan people in meeting basic and affordable basic needs.

This includes the revitalization of various airports as a bridge for the distribution of goods to improve the local community's economy.

Various products that were previously difficult to find in Papua, are now easier to market to the public because of connectivity in the transportation sector.

"The development of transportation facilities in the transportation sector is still the government's concern through the Ministry of Transportation," said the special staff of the Minister of Transportation for economic affairs and transportation investment, Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya at the Papua Strategic Analysis conference in Biak.

The government's policy is to develop the transportation sector in Papua, because people in the mountains of Papua whose lives are very dependent on the connectivity of air transportation.

"Officers of the Ministry of Transportation are also continuing to build a number of airport facilities in Papua so that people can experience convenience like other Indonesian citizens on the islands of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan," he said.

The construction of an airport in the mountains of Papua carried out by the Ministry of Transportation also strongly supports the One Price Fuel (BBM) policy throughout the Papua region.

Before the One Price BBM policy was implemented, the price of fuel was from IDR 50,000 per liter to IDR 100,000 / liter.

With the One Price BBM policy imposed by the government, people in Papua can buy fuel at Rp 6,500/liter the same as other regions in Indonesia.

Regional connectivity and inter-island population mobility in Papua are realized through the implementation of sea and/or air transportation.

The Papua region which has landscape characteristics in the form of mountains, mountains, wilderness and ocean coasts makes access to remote areas much easier to achieve using air transportation modes.

Currently, there are approximately 389 airports scattered in almost all regencies and districts of Papua Province

The biggest challenge in implementing development in Papua Province is the limited availability of smooth and cheap transportation infrastructure, which allows the people and the government to carry out their activities effectively and efficiently.

Meanwhile, Academician from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Prof. Poppy Rupaidah PhD, supports the government's efforts through the Ministry of Transportation to build connectivity between regions in the districts/cities of Papua Province.

"By connecting transportation in Papua, it is proof of the success of development carried out by the government through the Ministry of Transportation," said Prof. Poppy at the APS 1 conference in Biak via zoom meeting.

In addition to the field of transportation, local governments must also continue to encourage the improvement of the quality of human resources in the Papua Province by providing opportunities to study at various universities and colleges for indigenous Papuan children.

"Human resource development in Papua is a serious concern because they are the ones who will manage and empower the potential of natural resources to be used for the welfare of the people in Papua," said Prof. Poppy.

There are several obstacles to the development of transportation infrastructure, including the vast territory of the Papua Province, especially when compared to the population who live in remote and dispersed areas.

Another problem faced by the government is building transportation infrastructure for Papua. The cost is high due to the geographical location of Papua which is very difficult, especially in the steep central mountains of Papua as well as swamp and peatland areas in the south.

Head of Strategic Papua Analysis (APS) Lous Dea Calvin Rimayom said the 2022 APS Papua conference discussed three things that were in the spotlight, including the Papua Business Forum, the Papua Transportation Forum and the Religious Indigenous Community Forum.

Thus, it is hoped that the implementation of Law Number 2 of 2021 regarding changes to special autonomy and the Presidential Instruction on the acceleration of Papua's development can actually be realized for the people of Papua.

According to the APS conclusion, the transportation development sector is still a strategic need for people in the provinces of Papua and West Papua.

In line with the transportation connectivity program in Papua as the implementation of the noble 'Nawa Cita' government of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin to improve the welfare of the Papuan people within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.


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