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Papuan Women's Leaders Appeal Society Does Not Go Home |
One of the Papuan women leaders who is also the Secretary of the Papua Legislative Council, DR. Julianan J. Waromi, SE.M.Si appealed to all the people in the Land of Papua to temporarily not carry out homecoming and must adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Sekwan Juliana also conveyed to the people in the Land of Papua to continue to implement social and physical distancing according to the Government's recommendations.
"Limit outside the house if it is urgent, but must always wear a mask and after returning to bathe immediately then soak clothes, but also often wash hands with soap and most importantly postpone the intention to carry out homecoming," said Sekwan Juliana Waromi.
According to him, in a situation like this, stay in touch does not have to meet face to face and meet. But through social media we can also make friends with family and other friends.
"So if you want to stay in touch with relatives or friends, you should take advantage of social media such as Whats app, video call and others. Because to stay in touch do not have to meet face to face and do not have to meet, "said Juliana Waromi.
Therefore, continued Juliana Waromi, we as a community and as children of the nation must always obey the appeals made by the government and security forces.
Moreover, said Sekwan Julianan Waromi, the Government and the security apparatus are very intense in appealing to the public to limit activities outside the home.
"Like avoiding crowds, not doing activities that bring people in. This was done to break the chain of distribution of Covid 19, "he said.
In addition, his party also appealed to the public to always take care of themselves, adopt a healthy lifestyle so as not to be infected with Covid 19, which is currently an epidemic throughout the world and spread to Papua.
"We can fight and avoid Covid 19, we can even root it down, if we obey the government's recommendations. Let's love ourselves, family and people around us, "he advised.
In fact, Sekwan Juliana Waromi also asked all Papuans not to be affected and spread the news with unclear sources that could cause unrest in the community.
"If there is unclear source information, then you can contact the local police," he added.
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