Religious Leaders in Papua Invite The Young Generation Has DOB Content Role

Assessing the Autonomous Region workshop New (DOB) Papua has role important for society , wrong one religious leaders in Papua encourage child young for take role in opportunity yanh given . That thing be delivered Chairperson of the GKII Synod Region I Papua, Reverend Petrus Done STH Mth to, Thursday (7/7/2022).

" with existence various Papua New Guinea workshops held this Becomes opportunity , from as a church person our must see this something will God , that before and that is the main thing , " he said at the beginning .

More carry on he explain , hope is children young as successor Papuan generation , can take step to front , attitude positive , and accept DOB as blessing from God . " Sure " with see , more future _ well , and also as student they ( youth ) must capable make studies so that forward ," he said .

He said , the Papua New Guinea should be addressed positive in view for welfare Papuan people .

“ Papuan youths must could Becomes player , no as audience in their country themselves , they no only so object but also needles capable Becomes subject ," continued Pastor Peter S.

 For that , him confirm child Papuan youth today this is generation Papua's hope in the future , so that must guarded good dignity and identity as well as devotion for society .

“ Share I Papua DOB workshop meeting of course something positive things , and _ our hope could develop to front again , we hope Papuan generation in the future come Becomes ready generation _ fill the development process ," he hoped .

In opportunity that , Whistleblower Petrus Done judged that the Papua New Guinea will walk fast and impact felt , when everything could accept and fill it with positive rights _ and build .

" If " there are pros and counter that things to do be addressed with dialogue, sitting together , and take Street middle Among second split parties , including involving religious , traditional and _ _ etc. ," closed Men inexpensive smile that .


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