Ministry of Home Affairs Reveal the Roadmap for Early Development in Tiga Province New to Papua

New only , DPR through meeting plenary has validate design Law (RUU) on area autonomy new (DOB) Papua Province , where will there is three province new results the expansion of Papua.

It means with confirmed three bills this , then Indonesia will has 37 provinces .
Head Center Information ( Kapuspen ) Ministry In State ( Kemendagri ), Benny Irwan say , the government has prepare a development road map beginning for three province new that .

“ So on Step start , with passed the bill yesterday so our will wait before when is the law invited by government to become base permanent law , at least based on the rules no can more from 1 month after the bill is passed ," said Benny to, Sunday (3/7).

After the law promulgated , then government by together will prepare development .
“ This in meaning large yes I mean , like Source Power The human and also the infrastructure ,” explained Benny.

Stage development first that is formed his government alone , start from formation head area , regulation and also helper head area like apparatus State Civil Service (ASN).

said Benny, who didn't lost important also related with development infrastructure by his physique . Infrastructure in question that is development office service public who can support implementation Duty maintenance government .

“ So our need make sure how his office , how to organize office , facilities vehicle and infrastructure other , beside personnel who run government ," said Benny.

Next , that is preparation system space in three province new . Until on Step end after all the above _ formed , government will To do Step supervision and evaluation .
Then related with budget , Benny not could mention how many certain the budget that will prepared .

He explained , that Thing this still taken into account by ripe and detail together Ministry and Institution related .

The same is stated by Head of Communication Bureau and Service Information Ministry Finance ( Ministry of Finance ), Rahayu Puspitasari . His side said , Ministry of Finance together Ministry and Institution currently coordinate prepare required budget . _

" Amount " budget still discussed , which will provided in accordance with stages development device province new ," he said .


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