Papuan Youth Leader, Oni Kogoya: KNPB is an Inconsistent Organization

The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) is one of the most inconsistent organizations for the liberation of Papua. This statement was made by one of the youth leaders of Jayawijaya Regency, Oni Kogoya.

"I think there is no statement from the KNPB that can be consistently justified, one time it says point A but at other times it can change to point B," he said as quoted from the Papuan Info journal, Friday 12/31/2021.

KNPB is also considered a barbaric criminal organization, the fact is that attacks and killings of civilians that occurred in Maybrat Regency were even carried out by its chairman, Adam Sorry, who was sentenced to 11 years in prison for his actions.

Oni Kogoya assessed that the KNPB would not be relevant when talking about humanitarian law. Because dark history is always recorded through brutal actions carried out by the KNPB, including the riot in Wamena City which killed dozens of residents.

“The case of Maybrat or Wamena is only one small example, it also happened recently. So I never want to believe in KNPB, don't ever talk about humanity, your actions are more cruel, "

Regarding the cases of the death of the Senate of Soll or Temianus Magayang, Oni considered it also a part of the risk of the struggle. According to him, in the life of the Senate of Soll or Temianus, both of them consciously understood that the actions they were carrying out at any time could lead to disaster and even death.

“The case of the two people who died is not debatable. Consciously, the two of them must have thought about the biggest risks from the actions of the struggle that have been carried out or those that have just been planned,"

In his statement Oni said that he did not like prolonged debates with parties with other interests. Because according to Oni, the KNPB claim regarding the deaths of the Soll Senate and Temianus is subjective.

"The KNPB statement certainly has an element of interest, and I don't like it. Arguing with parties who have interests has no result, in fact they are wrong but they certainly still insist on claiming to be the most right, "


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