The Ministry of Agriculture Gives 31.5 Tons of Corn Seeds to Support Papua to Become a Food Estate

The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) handed over 31.5 tons of corn seed assistance to support Keerom Regency, Papua Province to become a food estate or national food barn.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture (Wamentan), Harvick Hasnul Qolbi said that the corn seeds given were superior varieties, namely Betras 1.

"With the help of corn seeds, the quality and quantity of the harvest will increase so that the family and regional economy in Keerom Regency can also be boosted," he said in a written statement, Friday (12/31/2021).

The assistance also supports the big plan of President Joko Widodo and the Keerom Regency Government which wants to make Keerom for the development of corn cultivation into a food estate.

The Commander of the Mandala 2 Task Force, Colonel Inf Sabdono said the corn seeds would be given in stages. Now this is only the first stage of 31.5 tons of a total of 75 tons.

Meanwhile, for the rest of the corn seeds to be distributed, Sabdono said it would only be given in the second stage by being escorted to the next stage.

"This corn seed is an aid from the Ministry of Agriculture and in collaboration with the TNI and the Regional Government to provide it to CPCL in Keerom Regency," he said.

The Regent of Keerom, Piter Gusbager said that his party appreciated the Ministry of Agriculture which through the TNI provided assistance of 31.5 tons of corn seeds or 31,500 kilograms.

Piter added that future plans for this kind of partnership will be increased not only in corn cultivation but also for varieties or other fields.

"Next year we will plant 3,000 hectares of corn in the East Arso District from the total plan of 10,000 hectares because East Arso is considered suitable for corn development," said Piter.


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