Thanks to the efforts of the Government, Indonesia has entered the list of the top 10 countries with the highest number of injections of the Covid-19 vaccine. Indonesia also ranks at the top in the scope of Southeast Asia.

The Malanu Youth Leader of Sorong City, Yohanes Kambuaya stated that he fully supports the Government's policy for vaccines, especially since the beginning of the vaccine being provided free of charge to the community. The free provision of Covid-19 vaccination must be used as well as possible and the public should not reject or oppose it because the government's policy aims to save soul of the people.

The government has provided free vaccines to the public to suppress the spread of covid 19. The provision of free Covid-19 vaccinations must be used as well as possible and the public must not refuse or oppose it because the Government's policy aims to save the lives of its people.

He said the Central Government was currently trying to protect the public from the Covid-19 pandemic through the free vaccination program. The public is encouraged to support and participate in carrying out vaccines because it is our obligation as citizens to assist the Government in breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19.

He also appealed to the people of Sorong City to implement the vaccine, so they can stay healthy, prosperous, and can protect their families. The people of Sorong City must all support vaccination.


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