Sea Highway Touches Isolated Tribes in Remote Papua

The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has succeeded in distributing logistics in the form of food ingredients and medical service activities for the Elseng Tribe and the Banga Village community. The isolated tribe in Gresi Selatan District, Genyem, Jayapura Regency, Papua, has been successfully reached via the sea highway.
Head of KSOP Class II Jayapura Taher Laitupa said the National Strategic Sea Highway Program promoted by the government was able to touch every region of Papua.
"This is expected to be a momentum for all components of the nation, especially maritime stakeholders in Papua Province to continue to synergize and increase the use of sea highways, which are increasing day by day by continuing to use multimodal transportation," said Taher Laitupa in his official statement, Monday, September 20, 2021.

Taher explained that the sea highway is proof that the government program is present for people in the interior. Not only health services and logistics distribution, health services for livestock, scoping assistance, but also school construction assistance for the Elseng Tribe.
Meanwhile, Head of Jayapura KSOP Class II Sea Transportation Traffic and Port Business Willem Thobias Fofid conveyed that in 2021 the use of sea toll roads with logistical connectivity will continue to increase.
Willem said that the number of cargoes on Voyage 8 and 9 on the T-19 route across Papua reached 61 containers, as well as on other routes in Papua and West Papua on the T-9 and T-11 routes. It was also followed by an increase in departing cargo on Route T-22, Route T-23, Route T-24, Route T-25 and even the addition of a ship's service line on Route T-26 that could serve up to Mumugu in Nduga Regency.
Currently the latest innovation breakthrough of the Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transportation, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation has added 2 more routes for logistics distribution in the southern region of Papua, namely Route T-27 Merauke - Pomako and Route T-28 to reach the southern regions of Papua, NTT and Maluku, explained the Head of Sea Transport Traffic and Port Business of the Jayapura Class KSOP.
"Thus, of course, in the spirit of the 2021 National Transportation Day, it is hoped that this can be used as a momentum for logistics distribution supplies to continue to reach our brothers and sisters who are in mountainous and isolated areas, in accordance with the theme of Harhubnas 2021 Moves Harmoniously to Indonesia," explained Willem.
Head of the Papuan Medical Community Without Borders, Ruth Yoteni, said that the health service activity was carried out for two days in Bangai Village, South Gresi.
“This activity is a health service program for the Papuan Medical Community Without Borders. The target of health services is not only for people from the Elseng Tribe and the people of Kampung Bangai, but also health services for livestock,” said Ruth Yoteni.


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