Private Ida Bagus died while escorting the health workers of Papuan KKB victims

TNI soldier Battalion 403/WP, Private Ida Bagus Putu, died in a shootout against the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) at Kiwi Airport, Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains, Papua on Tuesday (21/9).

The shootout occurred when TNI troops were escorting the evacuation process for health workers (Nakes) who were also victims of the attack by the separatist group a few days ago.

"When TNI officers were securing Kiwi Airport regarding the evacuation plan (transfer) of the body of the late Gabriela Meilani (Nakes)," said Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih, Lieutenant Colonel Arm Reza Nur Patria in his statement, Tuesday (21/9),

According to the 1715 Yahukimo Kodim, Lt. Col. Inf. Kristian Irreuw, the shootout was triggered by the KKB attack led by Lamek Taplo. It is known that the group has been aggressively carrying out attacks and shootings in the Bintang Mountains area in recent days.

The bodies of the TNI soldiers were then evacuated to Makodam XVII Cenderawasih along with the victims of health workers using a helicopter owned by Penerbad.

Pratu Ida Bagus Putu's body will be taken to Marthen Indey Jayapura Hospital. Meanwhile, Gabriela's body will be autopsied before being handed over to the family.

For information, in the last few days the escalation of firefights on Cenderawasih earth is peaking. This happened after a number of medical personnel were attacked by KKB on Monday (13/9).

In that incident, two health workers were reported missing. After a search, the officers found the two health workers in the ravine. One of the health workers, Gabriella Meilan, was found dead. Meanwhile, one other person, Kristina Sampe, was found alive.

The West Papua National Liberation Army of the Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OPM) admitted that it was responsible for the attacks and the burning of a number of public facilities, including health services in the Bintang Mountains.

The murder has been condemned by a number of parties, including the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). They asked the authorities to focus on security for health workers in Cenderawasih.

"We ask the Papuan provincial government and the TNI/Polri to ensure the security and safety of health workers on duty throughout Papua," said Donald Aronggear, Head of IDI Papua Region in a written statement, Friday (17/9).

A total of 250 health workers in Oksibil, Bintang Mountains also carried out a solidarity action by holding a long march on Thursday (16/9). They expressed their condolences and last respects for the victims who were colleagues.


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