Even though the ULMWP often claims to be successful, the struggle that the ULMWP has undertaken has never been considered carefully. According to the Chairman of the OPM-TPNPB, Jeffrey Bomanak, the ULMWP's action was only spontaneous in fulfilling the expectations of Benny Wenda.
Jeffrey also said that there was no other control over Benny Wenda as the Chair of the ULMWP, which he considered would be very dangerous for the status and dynamics that would happen to Papua in the future. (31/12)

“ULMWP is held by Benny, Benny has no control from other parties. Things like this are unhealthy and cannot continue to be forced on Papua. The struggle carried out by ULMWP is also only as a fulfillment of expectations in Benny, "

Jeffrey also mentioned Benny Wenda's life abroad, which no one else knew about, not even the members of the ULMWP themselves. Jeffrey suspects that Benny's stay in England is also to avoid suspicion and minimize exposure to him.

"Benny, who has lived abroad for a dozen years, is more concerned with avoiding other parties who find out about his personal life, because if Benny Wenda is exposed, a lot of bad things about him and the ULMWP will be exposed to the public. He lives comfortably there, spending money from the results of his false promises, "

Jeffrey even said that if ULMWP is not worthy of being called a struggle organization, its existence is considered more suitable as a franchise business. Because according to him, the agenda and efforts made by ULMWP are like ordered goods to be traded. He said that ULMWP products such as UUDS to the Provisional Government which currently seem to be neglected because they are not taken care of.

“The ULMWP action will emerge and in the future it will disappear again, and so on. They are more suitable to be called a business group, because the goods they sell are UUDS, the Provisional Government, those are all ordered goods that will be sold for profit only,"

According to Jeffrey ULMWP is not a trustworthy organization. He emphasized that pure struggle actions were under the TPNPB-OPM. He added that the TPNPB-OPM had proven its struggle in a not-so-short period of time.

“TPNPB-OPM has spent decades struggling, without any false promises, without seeking profit. Even our soldiers are willing to die on the battlefield. History has recorded that we are true warriors who cannot be tainted with interests other than the rights of the Papuan people,"


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