500 Papuan and West Papuan Students Participate in Strengthening National Insights and Defending the State

A total of 500 students from Papua Province and West Papua Province participated in the Strengthening National Insight and State Defense activities, Wednesday-Saturday (22-25/9/2021). They are selected students who have passed the selection of scholarship recipients for the IXth batch of Secondary Education Affirmation Program (Adem) for the academic year 2021/2022.

The locations for these activities are spread across six provinces that have been the centers of the Adem program so far, namely Serang (Banten), Bandung (West Java), Magelang (Central Java), Yogyakarta (DIY), Malang (East Java), and Denpasar (Bali). . The Directorate of Public Education and Special Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) is the main initiator of this activity by cooperating with a number of related institutions.

For four days, they are scheduled to follow online materials according to health protocols. Carrying the theme "Moving Together to Realize the Profile of Pancasila Students", this activity involved the Guidance for My Future Foundation (Mesanku), the Indonesian Army (Rindam Jaya, Rindam III Siliwangi, and Rindam V Brawijaya), the Indonesian Air Force (Adisutjipto Aerospace Technology Institute, Yogakarta) , the Navy (Marine Corps), the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Communication and Information, the National Narcotics Agency, as well as a number of motivators as presenters.

The Director of Community Education and Special Education (PMPK) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ristek Samto, said this activity was an effort to strengthen character education for students of the Class X Middle Education Affirmation Program (Adem) for the 2021/2022 academic year. "It is hoped that after participating in this activity for four days, students can recognize the strong spirit of love for the country, nationalism, patriotism, and nationalism," said Samto at the opening ceremony of the activity.

The participants of the Strengthening National Insight and State Defense activities are children who take part in the Adem Papua and West Papua Program for class X SMA/SMK. They are scattered in the provinces of West Java, Banten, East Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, and Bali. The total participants were 500 students, consisting of 350 students from Papua Province and 150 students from West Papua. Since it was launched in 2013, the six provinces have become centers of Adem's activities.

Apart from studying regularly at the bench, participants can also assimilate and interact with people from different cultural backgrounds.

In these areas, they are spread in a number of SMA/SMA in several districts/cities. The hope is that, apart from studying regularly at the bench, participants can also assimilate and interact with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Sustainable program

The Adem program is one of the government's efforts to equalize the quality of education, especially for Papuan and West Papuan children. This program also covers other 3T (frontier, outermost, and underdeveloped) areas. The best students from the area are prepared to have learning abilities that are on par with most children on the islands of Java and Bali.

This program is classified as "durable" and sustainable. Evidently, it can still run in four different eras of education ministers. Starting from 2013 in the era of Mohammad Nuh, continuing in the era of Anies Baswedan, Muhadjir Effendi, to Nadiem Makarim.

Currently, based on data from the PMPK Directorate, recorded in six provinces in Java and Bali, the number of students in grades X, XI and XII from Papua and West Papua who are studying is recorded at 1,263 children. Meanwhile, students from the 3T area are currently participating in the Adem program, which is 1,302 students. The participants of the Affirmation of Repatriation program were 1,165 children. The total number of students participating in Adem's services who are currently studying is 3,730 children.

So far, the recorded number of students who have graduated or become alumni of the Adem Papua and West Papua program is 2,083 children. There are 750 Adem 3T graduates and 181 Adem Repatriation graduates.

The spirit of mutual cooperation

According to the PMPK Director, the profile of Pancasila students in units that are the key to developing Pancasila education will be in the form of project based learning which will be one method of training the spirit of mutual cooperation and creativity of students. Not only by reading the material and then testing it, but also to create works.

Samto explained that character education is one of the mandates that must be implemented by the government. The Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology has the task of preparing Indonesian people in the future. In order to achieve this goal, an educational curriculum based on Pancasila has been created. There are six profiles that are the focus of this character education development. The six profiles are referred to as the Pancasila Student Profile.

According to Samto, Pancasila students are the embodiment of Indonesian students as lifelong learners who have global competence and behave in accordance with the values ​​of Pancasila, with six main characteristics of faith, fear of God Almighty, noble character, global diversity, mutual cooperation, independence, reasoning. critical and creative

“The expected characteristic of Pancasila students is the ability to always be critical in the face of rapid disclosure of information and its validity is questioned. If you don't think critically, incorrect information can be swallowed up and backfired. One of the challenges of critical thinking is to fight hoaxes,” he said.

The character values ​​in question also include a creative spirit in responding to the challenges of the times. “Besides being adaptive, we also have to balance it creatively. Don't just be a passive follower. It's time for students to appear creating new innovations.


Hermanus, Adem Papua participant who is currently studying at SMA Negeri 1 Subang, West Java, seemed enthusiastic about participating in the National Insight and Strengthening of Pancasila Student Profiles. He hopes that the activity featuring a number of the best figures from Papua and eastern Indonesia who provide reinforcement in this activity can be heard with messages related to efforts to knit national unity and integrity within the framework of Pancasila.

“Hopefully there will be more opportunities for students in Papua and West Papua to experience the Adem program. Many children in Papua have dreams as high as the sky, including hoping to get an education with fellow children of other nations in Java, Sumatra, or Sulawesi," he said.

SOURCE: https://indonesiatimur.id/2021/09/23/500-siswa-papua-dan-papua-barat-ikuti-penguatan-wawasan-kebangsaan-dan-bela-negara/

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