The OPM group is very sadistic and deserves to be exterminated

The atrocities of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) or the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) are increasingly troubling. They move as fast as lightning to wipe out every party that crosses the organization that houses them.

In this case, the Government does not need to make small talk, muster all its strength to fight the Free Papua Organization.

OPM's actions almost never dim. These hardline organizations often act cruel and inhumane. OPM should be crushed because it always makes people miserable.

Many have criticized the barbaric actions of the OPM. They are not only intimidating, they cruelly treat citizens regardless of age. From children to adults. In fact, they do not hesitate to take the lives of their victims.

This separatist action also reaped a lot of protests, they echoed human rights, while they violated it themselves by going beyond limits.

The number of cases related to OPM seems endless. Even though the duel of arguments according to the PEPERA which has been ratified recently did not dampen their steps. They continue to “undermine” the government to give the Earth of Cendrawasih the right of disintegration to be managed by its own citizens. Moreover, when the infrastructure development project was in progress, the workers had been threatened and did not hesitate to be hurt by the OPM or KKB.

Not just one or two reports related to the movement of this organization. For example, the shooting incident of a member of the National Police, Brigadier Hedar.

It was said that at that time Brigadier Hedar was conducting an investigation related to the KKB, in Usir Village, Puncak, Papua. The location is considered to be one of the bases of operations for the separatist movement. First Brigadier Hedar was arrested and held hostage. While trying to escape, he was shot blindly to death.

The spokesman for the TPNPB-OPM, Sebby Sambom, stated that this was an act of revenge, because the TNI and Polri had shot its members.

According to the report, the perpetrator is the KKB (Armed Criminal Group), with a leader named Goliat Tabuni. He is the supreme commander of the OPM. Goliath is known to be vile, this is proven when he has carried out inhumane acts against residents and security forces.

They bravely declared war on the TNI-Polri apparatus. This declaration of war was also confirmed by the TNI-Polri.

Goliat did not even hesitate to crush Papuans who did not support the OPM movement. In fact, Goliath also dared to fight members of the TNI.

I don't know how many victims this OPM or KKB has committed.

The government is expected to focus on fighting this inhumane organization. If necessary, tripe up to the roots. Hasn't the government softened when giving them the opportunity to join the Republic of Indonesia? However, instead of welcoming them, they are increasingly attacking mercilessly.


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