PPPA Minister Condemns KKB Attacks Against Teachers and Health Workers

The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga condemned the attack by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) against health workers and teachers in Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains Regency, Papua.

According to him, the state must be present and use the necessary force to eliminate all potential threats to Papuans for the sake of upholding human rights and social justice in Papua.

“The community, especially women and children as a vulnerable group, must receive protection and fulfillment of the right to be able to live safely, free from all acts of violence, let alone take their lives. Because there should not be the slightest tolerance for all forms of violence and we must be free from all forms of discrimination. This is in line with the principle of The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which is the most comprehensive protection and enforcement of women's rights and is very important because it has made the human aspect of women the focus of human rights concerns," said Minister Bintang. through a press release in Jakarta, Monday (20/9).

The tragedy of burning the Kiwirok Health Center carried out by KKB resulted in the death of health worker Gabriella Meilani (22).

"This is very concerning, especially when the health workers are carrying out community service," he said.

In the context of protecting and fulfilling the rights of women victims of violence against health workers and teachers in Kiwirok District, Gunung Bintang Regency, Papua Province by KKB, the PPPA Ministry will coordinate with relevant agencies to provide assistance to psychologists, law and reintegration.

"I and the ranks of the PPPA Ministry express our deepest condolences for the death of the humanitarian hero, Gabriella Meilani and the loss of Gerald Sokoy, who has dedicated his life to serving the people of remote communities in Papua, especially in the Bintang Mountains Regency," said Minister Bintang.

SOURCE: https://indonesiatimur.id/2021/09/21/menteri-pppa-kecam-serangan-kkb-terhadap-guru-dan-nakes/

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