Papuan Indigenous Peoples Ready to Succeed XX Papua PON

Papuan indigenous peoples are ready to make the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) a success. The implementation of PON XX in Papua is a pride and a symbol of brotherhood for fellow nation's children.

A statement of attitude to support the implementation of the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) was given by 12 major donors in Jayapura City. With this statement of attitude, the indigenous peoples will ensure that the XX PON takes place in an orderly, safe and peaceful manner.

The Tabi Customary Council (Mamberamo-Tami) has stated that it is ready to fully support the implementation of the 2021 PON XX in Papua Province. This was confirmed by the Chairman of the Tabi Customary Council, Yakonias Wabra after the visit of the Jayapura Regent Mathius Awaitouw to the Tabi Customary Council Secretariat in Asei Kecil Village, East Sentani District, Jayapura Regency.

His party wants PON this year to be safe, no one is allowed to mess up, whatever the form. The indigenous peoples of Tabi and Mamberamo to Keerom fully support security, especially. It was reiterated that his party as one of the owners of the customary land holding the XX Papua PON will be ready to give the best to all the contingents present. His party also explicitly asked the group that would riot in the implementation of the PON. Yakonias said, the Papuan PON must be successful, for anyone who wants to cause chaos, they should return from their land.

Meanwhile, on June 19, 2021, the XX PON Committee held an event titled Gebyar PON XX. In the event, a number of entertainments were presented, such as regional music performances to providing economic business stands for 35 small and medium businesses in Jayapura City and Jayapura Regency.

Jayapura SMEs also sell various kinds of food, culinary, Papuan batik clothes, noken bags and Papuan coffee. A Papuan named Marthinus said that Papuans strongly support the implementation of the XX Papua PON to be the host.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the committee for the XX Papua PON celebration, Otniel Desa, hopes that the XX Papua PON celebration can provide information to the public that Papua is ready to hold the Papuan PON.

Jayapura Mayor Benhur Tomi Mano (BTM) in Jayapura said, God gave our land Port Numbay with all the beauty of its coastal tourism objects, so that it can bring in income for welfare, especially during the 2021 PON, where of course tourists will flock to visit Jayapura city.

He admits that the beauty of beach tourism objects in Jayapura City is a good opportunity to bring in money for the coastal management community.

On a different occasion, the secretary of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Papua Province Kenius Kogoya hoped that all Papuans would always be optimistic and support the implementation of the XX 2020 National Sports Week (PON) in Papua.

Kenius said that PON is not only owned by the government and KONI, but also belongs to all citizens in Papua. He invited the whole community not to be pessimistic and to be optimistic that PON must be successful in Papua. We must not respond to things that make things less good here, even though they know something is happening in Papua, but support for this event must remain solid.

For Papua, PON is a very important event, because this event will of course be an added value for equitable development in Papua to equitable economic development in Papua. Because the success of PON is not only a matter of successful implementation and successful achievements.

Previously, President Joko Widodo had reminded that the PON in Papua was not just a sports competition. However, PON is a common arena to celebrate diversity, strengthen the spirit of brotherhood and an arena to strengthen unity and integrity.

The President also requested reports from the relevant ranks. Such as the readiness of venues and accommodation for athletes from all over the archipelago who will later compete in Papua. In particular, the President also requested a report from the Deputy Governor of Papua regarding the progress of infrastructure preparation that already exists at the venue.

La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti as Chairman of the DPD RI, invites provincial governments throughout Indonesia to make PON and Peparnas a success in Papua. Not only that, he also provided solutions regarding the addition of budget support from the Provincial Government for their respective regional KONIs.

PON XX Papua is a pride for the Papuan people, the government and indigenous peoples must integrate to secure and make the Multievent event a success.

SOURCE: Masyarakat-adat-Papua-Ready-Success-Pon-xx-Papua

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