PON Sports Arena in Papua Using New Technology, What are they?

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said it had completed five infrastructure and sports arenas for the XX National Sports Week (PON) in Papua Province. A total of three sports arenas are targeted to be completed by the end of this month or July 2021.

Director General of Human Settlements at the PUPR Ministry Diana Kusumastuti said the five sports arenas had been handed over to the Papua Regional Government. Diana said that her party had used and installed the latest technology in the five sports arenas.

"Utilization of technology such as photovoltaic installed on the roof as a back-up energy source also aims to reduce operational and maintenance costs," he said in an official statement quoted on Monday (26/7/2021).

At the Aquatic Arena, Diana said that her party had equipped the arena with modular steel panels covered with a PVC liner membrane. According to him, this technology can avoid the risk of leakage in the pool for a long period of time.

In addition, he continued, the competition pool has been equipped with an Automatic Moveable Bulkhead so that it can be used for short distance matches of 25 meters. In addition, the construction of the Aquatic Arena also uses Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology which includes structure, architecture, mechanical, electrical to landscape.

Therefore, Diana said that Arena Aquatic PON XX has obtained a certificate from the International Swimming Federation (FINA). The Aquatic Arena, he said, has also met Olympic standards in July 2020.

At Istora Papua Bangkit, Diana said the building had received three awards from the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI). The three awards are the curved steel roof structure with the longest span, the widest dome roof without bolts, and the textile duct installation with the longest internal ring.

Furthermore, Diana stated that the Outdoor Hockey Venue had gone through the FOP Certification process in the Outdoor Hockey field carried out by the International Hockey Federation (FIH) Field Certification Facilitator. The same thing was also done at the Cricket Arena in Papua which is the first Cricket Arena in Indonesia that meets international standards.

In addition to the five venues, Diana noted that her party had disbursed a budget of Rp233.8 billion to build other PON infrastructure. Some of them are the construction of three additional sports arenas worth Rp128.2 billion, namely the Roller Skate, Rowing and Archery Arenas which are targeted to be completed by the end of July 2021.

"Furthermore, after all of them are completed, the OP activities will be carried out by the Provincial Government. The Ministry of PUPR has prepared the SOP so that operations and maintenance can be carried out optimally," he said.

SOURCE: https://ekonomi.bisnis.com/read/20210726/45/1422000/arena-olahraga-pon-di-papua-gunakan-technology-baru-apa-saja

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