Loyalists of the Golkar Party Urge the KPK to Dismiss a Team for Investigation of Alleged Misappropriation of Papuan Pon Funds

Golkar Party Loyalist Coordinator (LPG) Feri R. said the case allegedly caused state losses of Rp 1.8 trillion.

"There are findings from the National Police Headquarters Intel regarding state losses in the misuse of special autonomy funds of approximately Rp. 1.8 trillion, not to mention there have been findings of 80 suspicious transactions that are not in accordance with the budgetary provisions by PPATK," said Feri after visiting the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan. , Jakarta, Friday (27/8).

Besides being urged to investigate, said Feri, the alleged loss could also be a strong reason for the KPK to summon Papuan provincial officials.

"KPK needs to summon the Governor of Papua who is suspected of being involved in a big conspiracy to corrupt the Special Autonomy Fund in Papua," he said.

Feri hopes that the KPK can immediately work to stop the misappropriation of special autonomy funds in Papua, the impact of which is felt directly on the delay in development.

"The central government has provided a number of special autonomy budgets, but it turns out to be misused by elite officials, in the end the Papuan people are victims," ​​said Feri.

The National Police's Security Intelligence Agency (Baintelkam) found allegations of misappropriation of the Papua Special Autonomy (Otsus Papua) budget.

The National Police's Baintelkam analyst, Brigadier General Achmad Kartiko, said that the alleged irregularities in the use of the budget were also discovered by the Indonesian Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

Achmad said the deviation of the Papua Special Autonomy funds was in the form of price inflation in the procurement of goods with the total state loss in the alleged misappropriation of the Papua Special Autonomy funds estimated at Rp 1.8 trillion.

"The BPK found that there was a waste of ineffective use of the budget. Mark ups in the procurement of manpower, electricity and solar power. Then fictitious payments in the construction of hydropower were around Rp. 9.67 billion. It was found that there was a misappropriation of funds of more than Rp. 1.8 trillion," he said. Ahmad

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