The government and the DPR have ratified the results of the revision of the Law on Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua. During the 20 years of Otsus, many things have been achieved, but there are also things that need to be improved. One example that needs improvement is related to equitable development between districts/cities in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua.

Alex Siwaniwi as the Head of the Women's Village, Ayamaru Jaya District strongly approved the continuation of Otsus for Papua and West Papua. "We strongly agree that Otsus Volume II will be continued because it touches the community in terms of economy and education," said Alex.

Regarding the supervision of Otsus, continued Alex, the government must oversee the distribution and use of Papuan Special Autonomy funds so that no government element misuses Papua's Otsus funds to the detriment of the Papuan people. "If possible, just transfer it to the Village Account / Village Head Account so that the community can really feel it fully," Alex hoped.

Alex appealed to the Papuan people, especially in the Women's Village, Ayamaru Jaya District not to be influenced by the call to reject Otsus made by groups that have their own interests and do not represent the Papuan people at all.


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