12 High School Students in Papua Represent Papua at the National Student Art Festival and Competition (FLS2N)

A total of 12 high school students in Papua passed the national selection at the 2021 National Student Art Festival and Competition (FLS2N) organized by the National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

The 12 high school students were spread over 4 areas, namely Jayapura City, Keerom Regency, Mimika and Merauke.

Thopianus C Korenelauw, SH, staff in the PSMA area of ​​the Papua Regional Library and Archives Education Office who is in charge of FLS2N in Papua, said that despite the pandemic, school and student enthusiasm was quite high in participating in this annual event.

“There are 12 high school students in Papua who have passed to represent Papua at the national level. We hope that these Papuan students can pass and win the FLS2N at the national level," he explained, Wednesday, August 25, 2021.

Topianus explained that the implementation of FLS2N in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic was indeed different from before. This year, participants representing schools directly submitted their works online to the central committee in Jakarta. "The collected works are selected and assessed by the jury to represent the provincial level," he explained.

Whereas before the Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of FLS2N was carried out in stages, starting from the school level, continuing to the district / city, then to the provincial level to the national level.

“We are grateful that students and schools are still enthusiastic about participating in this activity. We pray that the children in Papua can become champions," he said.

Lunar Liva Lazore, one of the Teruna Bhakti Jayapura High School students who passed the poetry reading category in FLS2N admitted that she was happy because she represented Papua for FLS2N this year.

“Even though it's done online, there's definitely a feeling of nervousness. But I tried my best to prepare everything. Hopefully, I can offer the best for Papua," he said.

The following are the names of 12 high school students in Papua who passed the national FLS2N selection:
1.Lunar Liva Lazore, from YPPK Teruna Bakti High School, Jayapura City, in the poetry reading category.
2.Mangara Jordan Tumanggor, SMAN 1 Merauke, guitar solo category.
3.Salomita Hohakay, SMAN 1 Mimika, monologue category.
4. Margaretha Novielelia A.B. Yarona, SMAN 1 Merauke, category of creative dance.
5. Good Suselo, SMAN 1 Arso, Keerom, male solo vocal category.
6.Maurhen Clementina El Proskuneo, YPPK Teruna Bakti High School, Jayapura City, female solo vocal category.
7. Shifra Diantha Tania, SMAN 1 Mimika, poster design category.
8.Ganendra Pradipa Tegar Pratama, SMAN 1 Merauke, short film category.
9.Josus Rivo Muin, SMAN 1 Merauke, short film category.
10. Parlince Wenda, YPK Diapora High School, Kota* *Jayapura, Craft category.
11. Serina Iliani, SMAN 1 Merauke, digital comic category
12. Keneth Jeremi, SMAN 1 Merauke, songwriting category.

SOURCE: https://indonesiatimur.id/2021/08/26/12-siswa-siswa-sma-di-papua-representative-papua-di-ajang-festival-dan-lomba-seni-siswa-nasional-fls2n/

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