New Special Autonomy Law, New Hope for Indigenous Papuans

The state's alignment with Papuan Indigenous People (OAP) is an important point in Law No. 2 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Law No. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for the Papua Province. Various changes to the rules so that they can be implemented in development on Cenderawasih earth are hope for all Papuan people, including the central government. Because, for 20 years the implementation of Otsus Papua volume 1 did not go as expected.

Daily Implementing (Plh) Director of Regional Arrangement, Special Autonomy and DPOD of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Valentinus Sudarjanto Sumito said the Otsus Papua policy was a form of implementation of Article 18B of the 1945 Constitution. This article became the basis for the realization of state recognition of Papua, namely providing affirmations of partisanship, protection against OAP.

Among other things, improving the standard of living of the OAP community. Then realizing equitable development, fulfilling the rights of the Papuan people, and forming good local governance," said Valentinus Sudarjanto Sumito in a webinar entitled "The Special Autonomy Law in Papua For (Si) What?", Thursday (5/8/2021).

Valentinus realized that the implementation of Law 21/2001 for 20 years in Papua was not running optimally. Such as the implementation has not been directed, there are no guidelines as long as the enactment of Law no. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua. Then, the direction of using the Papua Special Autonomy Fund is still general. As a result, Papua Special Autonomy funds can be used in any way that is not planned. For example, when there is an urgent need, that's when the Special Autonomy budget is used.

The budget allocation is only at the provincial level, so there is a view that the allocation of Otsus funds is not fair and equitable. With regard to coaching and supervision, said Valentinus, there is no specific regulation in the use of the budget. Supervision is still general in nature with no out come on the funds that have been used.

He explained that Papua's large geographical condition and difficult terrain are seen as obstacles in accelerating development, so that the impact on the high cost of government activities and low access to public services. This condition shows that the dominance of mountainous areas is closely related to the high economic costs. For example, the price of cement can reach 3 to 10 times the price of cement on the island of Java.

According to him, a study by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) shows that central government supervision has not been maximized. Such as the function of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) which only carries out routine inspections only on the regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD). Even then, the inspection is only carried out at the city level, due to the difficult geographical conditions of Papua. Then, as of 2021, BPK will provide notes regarding the use of Otsus funds that have not been maximized and useful.

“In 2016 it was found that Papua Province had not prepared a medium-term budget to the Special APB, so that the Special Autonomy funds did not provide benefits for OAP. There is a narrative that the Special Autonomy funds do not provide benefits and are right on target,” he continued.

However, through the latest Law No. 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua, there are many changes. There are at least 20 articles that have been updated for the benefit of the OAP. Starting from the acceleration of development, special authority for districts/cities. Then the priority of OAP women's representation as people's representatives. In addition, there are arrangements for the addition of a quarter of the number of seats in the provincial and district/city legislative institutions through an appointment mechanism; the spirit of change for the affirmation of the policy subject, namely OAP; and others.

No less important, strengthening fund management as a supporting instrument in a targeted and measurable manner. For him, welfare belongs to all Indonesian people, including Papua and West Papua. "Let's implement the Otsus policy as a form of support in overseeing the acceleration of development for our brothers and sisters in Papua and West Papua," he said.

SOURCE: https://www.

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