We all know that the Government is currently very aggressive in vaccinating the community and the Government's goal of this Covid-19 vaccination program is to vaccinate at least 70% of the population in Indonesia to realize the condition of community immunity or better known as herd immunity. Thanks to the efforts of the Government, Indonesia has entered the list of the top 10 countries with the highest number of injections of the Covid-19 vaccine. Indonesia also ranks at the top in the scope of Southeast Asia. The community leader of Tinanteri Village, Imanuel Horna, said that he strongly supports the vaccinations made by the government. Therefore, with this program, it is hoped that the community will be able to return to their normal activities soon and the economy can recover. He also said that the Central Government was currently trying to protect the public from the Covid-19 pandemic through the free vaccination program. The public is encouraged to support and participate in carrying out vaccines because it is our obligation as citizens to assist the Government in breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19. He also appealed to the public to reduce activities outside the home that are not too important in order to protect the health of themselves, their families and others around them and do not forget to always comply with Prokes such as wearing masks, always washing hands after activities and not crowding. SOURCE:

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