51 Police Vehicles Sent from Jakarta Ahead of PON Papua

The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the Police sent 51 units of motorized vehicles to anticipate disturbances in traffic security and order during the XX 2021 National Sports Week (PON).

In this case, the vehicle will later be operated to deal with several forms of disturbance during the activity, such as congestion, traffic violations and accidents.

"Of course, at this XX PON moment, it is very busy. And this vehicle will be used optimally. Therefore, all of these vehicles are all new. Hopefully there will be no trouble," said Police Chief of Traffic Police Inspector General Istiono to reporters, Tuesday (24/24). /8).

He said that the delivery of the vehicle had been carried out since 2020. Where, there are 30 units of two-wheeled vehicles already in Papua. To date, the National Police Headquarters has sent 81 vehicles.

Istiono said the vehicles would be deployed to several points in Papua to support security operations.

"This shipment, which took eight days to get to Papua, can be operationalized immediately. And hopefully the event there will run safely and smoothly," he said.

Istiono detailed that the list of two-wheeled vehicles to be sent was eight units of Yamaha MT 25 250cc, 30 units of Yamaha Nmax 155cc, and 13 four-wheeled vehicles with double cabin types.

Meanwhile, 30 other vehicles that have been sent to Papua in 2020 are 30 units of Yamaha MT 850cc motorcycles.

In organizing PON 2021, at least there is a scenario that is prepared, namely with or without spectators. However, until now this has not been decided by the government.

Last July, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ensured that the 2020 Papua PON would be held as planned on 2-15 October.

Menpora Zainudin Amali said that the event had been carried out based on mature and objective calculations in the midst of the current Covid-19 pandemic situation.

"The president asked the PON to continue, because of reports from the Minister, Governor and Chairman of KONI, we can still go on unless one day there will be a situation that is more than we previously anticipated," said the Minister of Youth and Sports after a limited meeting (Ratas) on Tuesday (13/7) ).

SOURCE : https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20210824134814-12-684605/51-kendaraan-polisi-dikirim-dari-jakarta-jelang-pon-papua

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