15 Papuan sons and daughters have graduated from State Intelligence high school education

A total of 15 Papuan sons and daughters were declared to have passed the 2020 State Intelligent Higher Education (STIN), after participating in various stages of selection followed by all participants, Monday (1/2/2021)

The State Intelligence College or STIN is an official college that is under the auspices of the State Intelligence Agency. The campus is located in Sentul, Bogor, West Java.

The establishment of STIN aims to prepare students to become members of the intelligence community who have academic abilities and or professional expertise so that they can apply and develop intelligence, science, technology, and / or the arts in the intelligence sector to maintain the unity and integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

In 2020, 15 Papuan sons and daughters were accepted as STIN cadets and will attend 4 years of education in Bogor Regency, West Java Province. Later, after graduating from college at STIN, Taruna-Taruni will be appointed as Civil Servants (PNS).

The stages passed by the fifteen Papuan sons and daughters are the Administrative Test, Academic Potential Test, Psychological Test, Mental Health Test, Health Test, Interview Test, and Pentukhir.

In the selection of cadets, STIN is the same as the selection of other cadets such as Police Academy, Military Academy and other cadets. So a good opportunity can be followed by young Papuan children, for that to be able to prepare themselves from now on so that they can be selected as Taruna-Taruni from Papua.

This is an award to motivate other Papuan sons and daughters to achieve their desired goals and be proud of themselves and their families.

Source: https://kilaspapua.com/daerah/dinyatakan-lulus-15-orang-putra-putri-papua- follow-pendidikan-sekolah-tinggi-intelejen-negara/

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