Kominfo as a form of mitigation to prevent the transmission of Covid-19

The General Election Commission (KPU) continuously and consistently conducts simulation of voting and counting votes at the polling stations (TPS) ahead of the Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) on December 9, 2020 by prioritizing health protocols to prevent Covid-19.

In several places, such as Magelang, Indramayu, South Tangerang, and Jakarta, simulations went well.

Simulations are needed to get input and improve new innovations at TPS related to health protocols.

The Directorate General of Communication and Public Information of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology assessed that the repeated simulations carried out by the KPU were a form of mitigation to prevent Covid-19 transmission at polling stations.

This simulation also provides a strong message to the public that the voting will meet health protocol standards. The goal is so that voters will no longer worry about coming to the polling station to channel their voting rights.

Risk mitigation in holding a large event such as the Simultaneous Pilkada does need to be carefully prepared. Especially considering that the Covid-19 pandemic is still something that threatens public health.

One of the most important risk mitigations in preparation for voting is to make improvements to each policy based on input or deficiencies obtained during the simulation process.

Kominfo encourages all parties to participate in providing comprehensive input and notes based on several voting simulations conducted by the KPU.

During the election process, the KPU in each electoral district is asked to coordinate with the Covid-19 Handling Task Force and the local Health Service to anticipate unexpected things related to voter health.

Coordination with the Covid-19 Handling Task Force is needed to anticipate unexpected things during voting, such as the procurement of hazmat suits and ambulances on standby in villages or sub-districts.

Meanwhile, collaboration with the local Health Office is needed especially for the implementation of rapid tests for candidates for Voting Organizing Groups (KPPS).

The role of stakeholders is very crucial in the preparation for Simultaneous Elections in the midst of a pandemic. The KPU as the organizer of the Pilkada certainly needs a lot of input, criticism and suggestions, especially in ensuring the health of voters.

Polling day is only a few weeks away. The remaining time before polling day can be used as much as possible to socialize Covid-19 safe TPS, so that voters will flock to TPS without worrying about Covid-19 infection.

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