News related to the end of Special Autonomy in 2021 has led many groups to express their support, including Jack Wanggai (Spokesperson for NRFPB Region III Domberai), who firmly stated his support for Otsus volume 2 to be continued for the welfare of the Papuan people, when met in Sowi- 4 Kab. Manokwari.

He said that currently the poverty rate in West Papua, according to statistical data, is around 23% while the unemployment rate is around 21% if in fact it might be more than that, even though Papua has abundant natural resources but the poverty and unemployment rates are still very high, because of that. Special autonomy is very necessary, "he said.

"We as OAP still need attention from the central government so that it is easier to find work according to Presidential Decree 17 of 2019 which in this regulation is very pro-Papuan native entrepreneurs but in reality it is far from what was expected, as well as pencaker who have not passed until now are still demands that the 80:20 composition be immediately followed up, "he said.

"It is hoped that the central government will be serious in seeing all the problems that occur in Papua. We think that Otsus must be continued for the welfare of the Papuan people. So that people who live below the poverty and unemployment lines can improve. Of course, with an evaluation of the implementation and its management so that it is realized and the people of Papua can feel the benefits, "he concluded.

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