KKB does not immediately kill civilians

KKB does not immediately kill civilians

The right wing West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB) of the Free Papua Movement (OPM), as well as the Armed Criminal Group, apparently the intention to eliminate the indigenous people themselves had also been planned by this group.

Through the Commander of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) - the Free Papua Movement (OPM) Goliat Tabuni once issued a controversial announcement. In the announcement dated February 12, 2013, he would slaughter and shoot dead West Papuans who were pro or became espionage from the TNI-Polri.

In its posting on the site, TPNPB-OPM stated nationally and internationally that based on the resolution of the TPN-OPM High Level Conference at Perwomi Headquarters, Biak West Papua on 1-5 May 2012.

TPN is ready to shoot the Orang Asli Papua, who are considered to be the SPIONASE of the TNI / POLRI. TPNPB -OPM said that this resolution was issued because many indigenous Papuans did not want to join them. It is unfortunate that the statement of TPNPB-OPM, precisely this is something that must be highlighted by the human rights body (HAM) both at home and abroad.

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