Ensure the Benefits of Free Learning, Minister Nadiem Visits West Papua

The Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mebdikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim, continues to intensify his program to revive education in Indonesia, namely Merdeka Learning. He continued to echo this so that the implementation of Merdeka Learning could be comprehensive throughout Indonesia.

Nadiem said the Merdeka Learning program was not only owned specifically for schools in urban areas. However, according to him, it needs to be owned by all schools in Indonesia.
"Freedom of Learning belongs to all of us, from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas Island to Rote Island," said Nadiem in his Instagram account @nadiemmakarim, Wednesday (13/4/2022).

Nadiem explained, with the enthusiasm and ideals that he has, he wants to make sure with his own eyes that the benefits of free learning have been felt all over the country. Including, in West Papua.
"It was this spirit that brought me on a working visit to the city of Sorong, West Papua, and across to the island of Soop and the island of Doom to ensure that the benefits of Free Learning have been felt there," he explained.

Not only that, Nadiem hopes that the spirit of harmonizing the Merdeka learning program can be carried out by all educators in Indonesia. "Keep up the enthusiasm for all educators and students throughout Indonesia, we can all be Free to Learn!" he insisted.

As is known recently, Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR Abdul Fikri Faqih said that the free learning curriculum which replaces the 2013 curriculum (Kurtilas) has many polemics behind it.

"The policy of changing the curriculum requires a thorough evaluation. Curriculum changes bring many problems that have an impact on parents, teachers, and education providers," said Abdul at Nusantara I Building, Senayan, Monday (4/4/2022).

According to Abdul, with the change in the curriculum, many parents complained about the facilities and infrastructure. Also, there are many concerns about mastery of concepts received by students in the middle of Distance Learning (PJJ).

SOURCE: https://edukasi.okezone.com/read/2022/04/14/624/2578947/pastikan-benefit-merdeka-learning-menteri-nadiem-sambangi-papua-barat

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