Towards a peaceful Papua, the resolution of the Papuan problem must be through reconciliation

Towards a Peaceful Papua, the Tabi Indigenous People made a declaration to resolve the Papua problem with dignity through reconciliation. The declaration was made at the Pongkonowere Customary Hall (Obhe), Pande Doyo Lama Village, Waibhu District, Jayapura Regency, Monday (21/02/2022). The declaration was initiated by the Papuan Red and White Front (BMP).

In the declaration, the Tabi Indigenous community through their leaders invited all levels of society in Papua, even the people of the archipelago to support the State's efforts to resolve the Papuan problem with dignity through reconciliation in order to lead to a safe, peaceful and peaceful Papua.
One of the Tabi Traditional Leaders, Naftali Nukuboy on the sidelines of the declaration event, said that his party was very grateful and gave appreciation to the State which continues to seek to resolve the Papua problem in a dignified manner.

He said the state's attention was very great for the progress and welfare of the Papuan people. This is evidenced by the enactment of Law (UU) Number 02 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy Phase (Volume) II, but also the expansion of New Autonomous Regions (DOB) in Papua.

For this reason, Naftali Nukuboy invites all components of the indigenous community in Papua to accept the second phase of Special Autonomy (volume). This is because all the situations and conflicts experienced by the Papuan people to get the prosperity and welfare provided by the State have been fully and completely contained in the Special Autonomy Law Volume II.

Because, according to Naftali, the birth of the Special Autonomy Law Volume II is also inseparable from the attention of the State, to develop Papua and especially in the State's efforts to solve a number of problems that are currently being experienced by the eastern province of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

"It's just that we as indigenous peoples need to provide input to the State for this second phase of Special Autonomy to really give us space and attention. Because based on experience, in the first phase of Otsus, indigenous peoples received less attention, due to the large number of government interventions in villages through their government," he explained.

Meanwhile in the same place, Member of the MRP Pokja Adat Herman Yokhu emphasized that the results of the declaration made by his party at this time would certainly lead to a peaceful and dignified Papua reconciliation. Because, a peaceful and dignified Papua is the goal or ending of the shared ideals as citizens within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

For that purpose, said Herman Yokhu, efforts to resolve the Papua problem in a dignified and peaceful manner must start from Tabi Land or the Land of the Rising Sun. Because, Tabi is the sun that gives light to all Papuan people in particular and Indonesia in general. So the declaration of the Tabi indigenous people at this time represents a peaceful and dignified reconciliation towards Papua.

"However, Otsus is in the corridor based on Law Number 02 of 2021. Even though there are groups who want to, such as my friends, under the leadership of the MRP, who are suing Law Number 02 of 2021 to the Constitutional Court (MK) to reject the Special Autonomy Volume. And that's natural, but in the end everyone will wait for a decision from the Constitutional Court," said one of the Tabi Traditional Leaders.

The man who is also the Head of the Wiyaka Tribe of Keerom Regency also explained that even though the MRP institutionally rejected Otsus Volume II by filing a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court, he as a traditional leader who is also a member of the MRP from the Customary Working Group said that Otsus Volume II must be implemented in Papua. Because everything will happen beautifully in its time.

"In addition to members of the MRP, we are also traditional leaders in the Tabi area who continue to support Otsus Volume II and must be implemented in Papua," concluded the Mandala Trikora Youth Advisor for Papua Province.

In line with this, the Chairman of the Mandala Trikora Youth (PMT) of Papua Province, Ali Kabiay said, the declaration of the Tabi indigenous people could inspire the central government to take steps by inviting all community leaders in Papua, including community leaders. contrary to the principle of sovereignty. So together we can reach a consensus to find a middle way.

He explained that the most important point of the declaration is that it encourages peaceful reconciliation that is dignified and moral, so that no one feels right, no one feels guilty, but all parties sit together to find a middle way to end the conflict in Papua.

"By using the thought concepts of how indigenous peoples resolve the problems that occur, we ask that if reconciliation takes place, indigenous peoples must be involved because we believe that traditional settlement is a good solution," he added.

Kabiay emphasized that for this reconciliation, we are not looking for who is wrong, who is right, but looking for a middle way between the government, state figures who are at odds with the state, sitting together looking for a middle way solution regarding how to resolve the conflicts that occurred in Papua.

“Because of the frequent conflicts in Papua, development does not run smoothly in some areas where conflicts occur. We also support the security forces to protect the Papua region according to their respective duties and functions and in accordance with applicable laws," said Ali Kabiay.

After the meeting, it was continued with a declaration and signing of a statement of attitude by the traditional leaders and the Tabi indigenous people.

It is known, There are three important points in the declaration of the Tabi Indigenous People.

First, the indigenous Tabi community fully supports efforts to resolve the conflict in Papua in a dignified manner for the sake of creating a peaceful Papua.

Second, the indigenous Tabi community together with the government are determined to resolve the Papua issue through reconciliation and restitution towards a peaceful Papua.

Third, the Tabi indigenous people support the implementation of the Special Autonomy Law (UU) No. 02 of 2021 and the plan to expand the new autonomous regions towards a peaceful and prosperous Papua.


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