FADs for Fishermen in Soryar Village are Launched

The Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs of Biak Numfor Regency launched a FAD as a fishery facility in Soryar Village, East Biak District, Saturday (12/2). The launch of the Fish FADs was carried out directly by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Biak Regency, Numfor Markus O. Mansnembra, SH, MM together with the Head of the Biak Regency Fisheries Service, Numfor Efendi Igiriza, S.Pi.,MM.
With this assistance, it is hoped that the people in Soryar Village, whose livelihood is approximately 90% of their livelihood as belayan, can be helped in increasing income after the existence of FAD assistance and other production facilities or infrastructure, which have been provided by the government, including through the Village Fund.

“On behalf of the regional government, we hope to take advantage of the assistance from the regional government, one of which is FADs. It is hoped that it will be maintained and can increase people's income, at least to meet the needs of the family," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of Fisheries Efensi Igirisa reminded fishermen, especially in Soryar Village, to optimize the FADs that were launched in increasing opinion, for that he requested that they be maintained and cared for properly so that they are durable for use in catching fish.
"The Fisheries Service will continue to pay attention to efforts to increase people's income through the assistance of facilities and infrastructure, including in Soryar Village, but it is requested that what is provided by the government be maintained and cared for properly so that its use can last a long time," he said.

SOURCE: https://www.ceposonline.com/2022/02/14/rumpon-nelayan-di-kampung-soryar-launched/

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