ULMWP's claim through Jacob Rumbiak regarding the clandestine takeover of Papua over the Indonesian government was strongly responded by Jeffrey Bomanak. The chairman of the Free Papua Organization (OPM-TPNPB) reacted strongly because the ULMWP seemed to claim success even though in the City of Wamena, Jayawijaya, there was a large-scale tribal war going on.

"The civil war in Wamena must be stopped immediately, this incident must be a concern for all parties. I don't like the way the ULMWP is claiming success, even though we in Papua are having difficulties with the situation,"

Regarding the war situation, Jeffrey then questioned the role of the ULMWP, which in previous reports has always claimed to be the formation of an interim government.

"From the war situation in Wamena, I want to know how big the capacity of the interim government formed by the ULMWP is, whether they can solve every problem that occurs among their people or not,"

According to Jeffrey, the function of the interim government formed by the ULMWP must be able to overcome any conflicts that occur in its community.

“If it is true that ULMWP dared to form a temporary government, then they should also have the courage to deal with conflicts that occur in the community. However, I don't really have high hopes for them (ULMWP),"

Based on the previous statement, Jeffrey then concluded that the ULMWP is an organization that was purely formed only to seek profit in its every agenda. ULMWP never really wanted to create new life and hope for Papuans.

"They should also want to deal with things like this, not just urging the people to flock to support the agenda. ULMWP and the people in it will never be worthy to lead Papua. Never party on the suffering of the people themselves, "

SOURCE : https://www.jurnalpapua.info/2022/01/pesta-ulmwp-atas-perang- Saudara-di.html

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