The Central Government, together with stakeholders in Bumi Cenderawasih, have begun to encourage the preparation of the Master Plan for the Acceleration of Development for Papua (RIPPP) 2022 – 2041.
The preparation starts on Monday (17/1/2022) to Thursday (20/1/2022) in Jayapura City.
This intensive meeting for the preparation of the RIPPP aims to explore various inputs related to the direction of development in Papua Province, in the context of implementing special autonomy for the next twenty years.
"The implementation of Papua's special autonomy has entered a new phase with the issuance of Law (UU) No. 2 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Law No. 21 of 2021 concerning Papua's Special Autonomy".
"The law that passed by the DPR in July 2021 was followed by the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) No. 107 of 2021 concerning Acceptance, Management, Supervision and Master Plan for the Acceleration of Development in the framework of the Implementation of Special Autonomy for Papua Province which was stipulated on October 15, 2021. These two regulations related to the implementation of Papua's special autonomy mark the presence of the government to realize the welfare of the people in the Land of Papua through the preparation of RIPPP, ” said Expert Staff to the Minister of National Development Planning/Bappendas for Equity and Territorial Affairs, Oktorialdi, in Jayapura, Monday.
According to him, the acceleration of welfare development in Papua is the mandate of President Jokowi.
Where the President emphasized the importance of the spirit, paradigm, way of working, and new designs in the development of Papua. So that it is expected to produce a leap in prosperity for the people of Papua.
It is known that the agenda for the preparation of the RIPPP involves stakeholders from various groups in the region and policy makers from the Central Government and Regional Governments, the private sector, development partners, traditional leaders, religious leaders, women's leaders, and youth leaders.
This activity became a forum to get input from various parties involved in the preparation of the RIPPP for 2022-2041.
Meanwhile, inputs from various parties involved will be recorded as aspirations for the improvement of the RIPPP document.
Head of Bappeda Papua Yohanis Walilo believes that RIPPP will be more optimal in an effort to accelerate the implementation of development in Cenderawasih Earth.
"Because through this RIPPP, an institution will be formed under the leadership of the Vice President who will directly coordinate the acceleration of development on Papuan land," he concluded.
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