SMA N 1 Oksibil Burned by Separatist Group of Lamek Taplo

It is suspected that it was burned by the Papuan Terrorist Separatist Group (KSTP) led by Lamek Taplo at the SMA Negeri 1 Oksibil in the Bintang Mountains. This action was carried out on Sunday, December 5, 2021, at around 03.00 WIT. SMA Negeri 1 Oksibil is located on Jalan Esipding, Oksibil District, Bintang Mountains.

The Papuan Police said the chronology of the burning was known at 04.30 WIT, the personnel of the Bintang Mountains Police received a report from the public about the burning of SMA Negeri 1 Oksibil.

Receiving the report, the Deputy Chief of Police, Kompol Anton Ampang, along with personnel from the Bintang Mountains Police and a joint task force, went to the scene, as well as extinguished the fire.

At 06.44 WIT, the fire was successfully extinguished, then the personnel of the Bintang Mountains Police Criminal Investigation Unit immediately processed the scene.
"From the statements of several witnesses, it is known that a number of people in one group carried firearms and other weapons of war around the school. However, these witnesses did not dare to leave the house because they were afraid," he explained, Sunday, December 5, 2021.

As a result of this incident, 3 classrooms, 1 teacher's room and one principal's room were burned and razed to the ground. "There were no casualties in this incident, but the result of this incident disrupted the teaching and learning process," he said.

After the school burning in Oksibil, joint personnel carried out patrols in areas prone to crime. "We appeal to the entire community to jointly maintain the security and social order situation in the Bintang Mountains Regency so that it remains safe and conducive," he explained.


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