Mahfud: The Process of Serious Human Rights Violations in Paniai According to the Law

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said that currently the case of alleged gross human rights violations in Paniai, Papua had been raised to the level of investigation by the Attorney General's Office. Mahfud said that the process of handling cases submitted by Komnas HAM would also be in accordance with applicable laws.

"The Paniai case is a case that was announced just last year by Komnas HAM and we will immediately follow up to bring it to court. We will carry out cases of gross human rights violations recommended by Komnas HAM and will adhere to the law," Mahfud said in the video. uploaded on the Youtube channel of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Sunday (5/12).

Mahfud explained that cases of alleged gross human rights violations that occurred before 2000, precisely before the issuance of Law No. 26 of 2000 were submitted to the DPR. Then, he continued, the DPR will analyze the evidence in the case, whether it is sufficient and can be brought to court.

"Then, cases of human rights violations that occurred after the issuance of Law Number 26 of 2000, were handled and analyzed and followed up by the Attorney General's Office in coordination of course with Komnas HAM," he explained.

In addition, Mahfud said, the government is also in accordance with the current laws and regulations, currently preparing a draft Law on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which previously existed, but was canceled by the Constitutional Court (MK). Because, he considered, the Law on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was needed as a way to resolve gross human rights violations.

"In the past, we had Law Number 27 of 2004 concerning the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, but it was canceled in 2006 by the Constitutional Court. So the government needs to prepare a draft law as a replacement," he said.

Previously, the Attorney General's Office (AGO) formed a team to investigate allegations of gross human rights violations in Paniai, Papua Province in 2014, based on the Attorney General's Decree Number 267 of 2021, dated December 3, 2021, which was signed by Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin.

"Prosecutor General Burhanuddin as the investigator for gross human rights violations has signed the decision letter to form the team," said Head of the Attorney General's Office for Legal Information, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday (3/12).

Leonard explained that the consideration of the issuance of the decision and the warrant of the Attorney General took into account the letter from the Chairman of Komnas HAM Number 153/PM.03/0.1.0/IX/2021 dated 27 September 2021 regarding the response to the return of case files to the results of the investigation into the Serious Human Rights violation of the Paniai incident last year. 2014 in Papua to be completed.

"It turns out that there has not been sufficient evidence, therefore it is necessary to carry out a (general) investigation in order to find and collect evidence," said Leonard.

According to Leonard, evidence is needed to shed light on the alleged gross human rights violations that occurred, in order to find the perpetrators.

Therefore, with the issuance of the Attorney General's Decree and Investigation Order, a Team of Investigations on Allegations of Serious Human Rights Violations has been formed at Paniai Papua Province in 2014 consisting of 22 senior prosecutors and chaired by the Deputy Attorney General for Action. Special Crimes (JAM-Pidsus) Ali Mukartono.


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