Had a shootout and fled to the forest, this is the chronology of the arrest of Papuan KKB Adi Rawai

Joint TNI-Polri personnel secure an Armed Criminal Group (KKB) Adi Rawai (27) in Kampung Tua, on Mount Impura, Ambaidiru Village, Kosiwo District, Yapen, Papua on Thursday (9/12/2021).

The arrest of Adi Rawai began with a shootout between the KKB and the TNI-Polri on Thursday (9/12/2021).

At that time, TNI-Polri personnel were conducting routine patrols.
"When the team was on patrol, the team was fired upon twice by the Armed Criminal Group, so the team returned fire and a gun battle broke out," said Head of the Nemangkawi Public Relations Task Force Kombes Ahmad Mustofa Kamal when confirmed, Wednesday (15/12/2021).
From the gunfight, said Ahmad, the Armed Criminal Group fled to the forest.

Then, the team continued their patrol towards the TKP which was at the top of the mountain.

"Arriving at the TKP the team found one perpetrator under the name ADI RAWAI alias ADI (AR). Then the team secured the perpetrator and evidence to the Yapen Islands Police for further legal proceedings," he explained.

However, Ahmad explained that the personnel also carried out a search of the hut that was suspected to be the command headquarters on Mount Impura, Ambaidiru Village, Kosiwo District, Yapen, Papua.

"Furthermore, the team searched the house or cottage that was used as the command headquarters and obtained some evidence," he said.

The evidence seized in the form of sharp weapons ranging from saws to machetes.

In addition, they also found homemade weapons up to a small Morning Star flag.

His party has also taken a persuasive approach to the community sympathizing with the group so that it is no longer instigated by irresponsible parties.

"There were no fatalities in the shooting contact. Joint personnel of the TNI and Polri are still pursuing other perpetrators known to have the initials HM, PM and YR," he said.
For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with treason on the basis of LP/176/XII/2021/SPKT I/RES YAPEN on 9 December 2021.

The alleged articles are 106 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 110 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

In the regulation of the article, the threat of imprisonment is life imprisonment or a maximum imprisonment of 20 years.

SOURCE : https://www.tribunnews.com/regional/2021/12/15/sempat-baku-tembak-dan-melarandiri-ke-hutan-begini-kronologis-penangkapan-kkb-papua-adi-rawai

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