Former OPM John Norotouw Says Papuan Integration is Final

Former activist of the Free Papua Movement (OPM), John Norotouw, stated that Papuan integration was final.

"So now, it is for the next generation to understand that the future is in the hands of the Papuan children to be better," he said in the Webinar 'The Illusion of 1 December as the Independence of West Papua', Tuesday (30/11).

He reminded that history should not be used as a problem but must be studied so that it is not wrong. Papua is one of the strong glues of nationalism that is built on brotherly love.

"I emphasize that the presence of Papua in Indonesia is something that happens by the will of Almighty God," he said.

The same thing was said by the Coordinator of the World PPI for the Asia-Oceania Region, Achyar Al Rasyid. He emphasized that December 1, which is commemorated as the independence of West Papua, is just an illusion.

The reason, based on international law and history nothing can justify. "It was all the Dutch colonialists who maneuvered for West Papua's independence," he said.

However, according to him, the Netherlands itself does not have any documents that explain Papua's independence. Historically, Papuans have also fought for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

“In fact, in the history of the youth oath. Still, Papua is part of the Republic of Indonesia," he explained.

Achyar views development in Papua as very good, especially in the current Jokowi era. Among them, the successful implementation of PON, strengthening Papuan entrepreneurs, infrastructure development such as toll roads as a liaison, and others.

According to him, this effort is proof that the Government is boosting buildings in Papua.

However, in Jokowi's government, he said, with the Special Autonomy funds, development was very rapid.

In fact, Papua's tourism sector has become a destination for foreign tourism destinations. With the rapid development, it is hoped that it will have other development effects in Papua.

He said that one of the tasks of students, especially students abroad, was to maintain the good name of the nation.

For that, he continued, those who study abroad should strengthen brotherhood and monitor each other.

"Don't let anyone be influenced by an invitation or fundraising by separatist groups," he said.

One solution, according to him, is to convey the positive reality of Indonesia or Papua in an international language.

The reason is, both in social media and foreign media, there are many who corner the good name of the Indonesian government associated with Papua.

"Let's convey facts, positive news about Papua and Indonesia in the international language or English," he said while inviting him to convey that Papua and Indonesia are fine.

"Of course, you need to remember after studying abroad, don't forget to go home to build Papua and the Republic of Indonesia," he said again.


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