KPA Papua: Regency/City Government allocates budget for HIV/AIDS prevention

The daily chairman of the Aids Prevention Commission (KPA) of Papua Province, Dr. Anton Tony Mote, hopes that the district/city governments in Papua Province will allocate a budget for financing HIV/AIDS prevention programs through KPAs in the regions.

"From the KPA report, many regional governments do not allocate funds for HIV/AIDS prevention so that KPA finds it difficult to finance their program activities," said the Head of KPA Papua, Dr. Anton Tony Mote, in Jayapura, Wednesday, responding to the allocation of funds for HIV/AIDS prevention in districts/cities.

Anton Mote mentioned that several policies that regulate funding for HIV/AIDS prevention are Presidential Regulation No. 75 of 2006, Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 20 of 2007 and the 2010-2014 national strategy.

Even in Article 15 of Presidential Regulation No. 75 of 2006, according to Anton Motte, all costs required for the implementation of the National AIDS Commission are borne by the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget and other non-binding sources of funds in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
Meanwhile, all costs needed to carry out the tasks of the Provincial AIDS Commission are borne by the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure Budget.

"Meanwhile, the costs needed to carry out the tasks of the Regency/City AIDS Commission are borne by the Regency/City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budgets," he said.

KPA chairman Anton Mote hopes that by 2022 KPAs in 29 regencies/cities will receive special budget allocations in the APBD so that they can support a number of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in the area concerned.

Based on the data on people with HIV/AIDS cases in Papua Province until December 1, 2021, it reached 46,967 cases.


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