Dandim Merauke Is Injected with Sinovac Vaccine Phase Two

Commander of Kodim 1707 / Merauke Lieutenant Colonel (Czi) Muh Rois Edy Susilo was injected with the second phase of the Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine. The vaccination was held at the Mopah Baru Puskesmas, Jalan Brawijaya, Merauke District, Merauke Regency.

Muh Rois said that phase two of the Covid-19 vaccine was given to people who had already had the first phase of vaccination which took place on February 4, 2021.

"So everyone who has been vaccinated in the first stage can be given the second stage vaccine. And, specifically for the injection of the second stage of the COVID-19 vaccine in the Regency. Merauke was started on Thursday (18/2/2021)," he said.

He explained that before the injection was carried out, various stages and the Covid-19 health protocol were carried out, such as using masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, checking blood pressure to measuring body temperature.

Meanwhile, the Covid-19 vaccine, according to him, aims to increase immunity in the body and as an antidote from the virus. So it is hoped that anyone who has been vaccinated will be free from the corona virus.

"Let us all have to support the government program of giving vaccines to all Indonesian citizens to avoid the corona virus," said Muh Rois Edy Susilo.

Source: https://papua.inews.id/berita/dandim-merauke-disuntik-vaksin-sinovac-tlasi-dua/

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