Pertamina: Smooth distribution of kerosene ahead of Christmas and New Year

The management of PT Pertamina (Persero) Marketing Operation Regional VIII Papua-Maluku said the distribution of kero oil (kero) in the Timika area and its surroundings was smooth ahead of Christmas and New Year holidays.

Sales Branch Manager IV Pertamina Papua Nanda Setyantoro told Antara in Timika, Sunday, saying that currently the stock of kerosene at the Jober Depot at Pomako Port is still quite large with stock holding up for more than a week ahead.

Even in early December, another tanker will arrive carrying various types of fuel oil (BBM) including kerosene from Tual and Ambon to Timika.

"Stocks of kerosene are safe, there are still a lot of stocks. Right now, the stock is for the needs of more than one week ahead. Later in the first week of December, another tanker will come to Timika," explained Nanda.

He said that Pertamina distributes 25-ton kiloliters of kerosene every day to various bases in Timika City and its surroundings.

Nanda hopes that with the distribution of enough kerosene, it can meet the needs of the local community.

Until now, most consumers in Timika and surrounding areas still rely on kerosene for cooking food, especially at the same time LPG prices in Timika have increased due to the increase in ship transportation costs from Makassar.

As for the supply of other fuels such as pertalite, dexlite, and diesel to the six Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU) and PertaShop in Timika and its surroundings, there are also no obstacles because the stock is adequate.

"Other fuel stocks are also very safe because on November 24 and 26, tanker ships re-entered the Port of Jober Pomako. So, people don't need to panic," said Nanda.

Pertamina appreciates the support of various parties, both the Mimika Disperindag and the Police to help oversee the distribution of fuel at all gas stations in Timika City recently to prevent hoarding by certain elements that can trigger fuel shortages.

Nanda said that there was an increase in fuel demand in the Timika area from October to November, so that Pertamina added supply to gas stations by almost 100 percent of the normal supply per day.

For each gas station in Timika, Pertamina supplies 16-24 kiloliters of Pertalite (kl), Pertamax 8 kl, and 8 kl dexlite (once every 2-3 days).

Fuel is transported to Timika from Wayame Port, Ambon or Tual Port using small tankers so that they cannot carry fuel in large capacities.


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