Community Leaders Ask Police, Prosecutors and KPK to Investigate the Use of Papua's Special Autonomy Fund

A number of traditional, religious, and Papuan youth leaders have asked the police, prosecutors and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to immediately investigate the use of the first phase of Papua Special Autonomy (Otsus) funds.

This request also applies to the Papuan Police and the High Court in Cenderawasih Earth.
The big Ondoafi of Keerom Regency, Herman Yoku, one of the Papuan community leaders, asked law enforcers to seriously investigate the transparency of the use of the Special Autonomy Fund.
"I ask law enforcers, starting from the Papuan Police Chief and the ranks of the Resort Police Chief, the Papua High Court, to the KPK to be able to examine the use of the Papua Special Autonomy Fund for the past 20 years. There should be no omission," Herman said at a press conference attended by , in the Abepura area, Jayapura City, Thursday (25/11/2021).
In the same place, the head of the Papuan Red and White Front, Max Abner Ohee, asked law enforcers to take firm action on budget management in Papua.
"Papua Police Chief, BPK and KPK to be able to take action and resolve corruption cases in Papua, because acts like this only torture the people, at least one or two cases can be brought up, so the public can find out," he said.

Representing religious leaders, General Secretary of the Indonesian Kingmi Church, Yones Wenda admitted that his party had never felt or seen the real form of the first phase of the Papua Special Autonomy Fund.

"This Special Autonomy Fund has a very large value, but we only hear about the value and the money is not there. Small people have never felt it."
"Therefore, as church leaders, we ask that an examination be carried out on the use of this Special Autonomy budget," he concluded.

In addition, a number of Papuan leaders asked for a meeting of Papuan community leaders with the central government, and then made a rule so that the benefits of the Special Autonomy Fund could be felt directly by the Papuan people.


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