KKB Ambition Hurts Papuans

The stripes of the soul and the caterpillar of the Papuan Armed Criminal Group (KKB) terrorists are becoming more and more exposed as time goes on. For the sake of ambition for power, the terror group does not hesitate to sacrifice anything, including the suffering of the Papuan people.

As time has passed, the KKB terrorist groups have been comfortable wearing the cover, namely the struggle to uphold the human rights of Papuans. However, instead of a struggle to uphold human rights based on concern for the fate of the Papuan people, the reality is that what the KKB is doing is making the Papuan people even more miserable.

In fact, there is mounting evidence that the KKB are only fighting for their own political ambitions to take power and become rulers. Not only did they have the heart to kill Papuan people and community leaders, KKB terrorists even shot dead teachers, figures who played a role in liberating the Papuan people from backwardness and illiteracy, as they did last April.

Just look at their behavior. Was shooting dead Oktovianus Rayo and Yonatan Randen, honorary teachers at SD Imppres Beoga, who were struggling to free Papuans from illiteracy a struggle? Are burning schools, shooting at clinics and burning down people's houses a struggle? Of course not.

What happened was that in April the KKB terrorists even had the heart to close the opportunities for progress for young Papuans. They burned six junior high school classrooms, one laboratory room, one library room, which had been a place for young Papuan children to study. Not to mention what they did before and after the incident. What they said was a struggle for the Papuan people proved to be nonsense, seeing what they were doing on the ground that actually made the people miserable.

So far, the KSB terrorist group has indeed committed acts against the law which are classified as acts of terrorism. Starting from kidnappings, killing civilians and security forces, to hijacking civilian aircraft which can no longer be tolerated.

Then they shamelessly called themselves fighters, rather than security troublemakers who profited from the chaos. Whereas Papuans know for sure that the KKB is a terror and crime organization that hides behind the mask of freedom fighters.

Now we can see how the Indonesian government, which has always been the scapegoat of the KKB terrorist group, continues to provide evidence of its concern and love for Papua, an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia. Not only does the government continue to develop Papua and its people through the Special Autonomy (Otsus) funds, various tangible evidences of the government's commitment to love for Papua continue to be shown.

The most recent evidence is the successful implementation of the XX Papua PON which was held last October, which is proof of the strong synergy between the central government, the Papua Provincial Government and the Regional Government/City Government, as well as the active participation of the community.

See, to ensure the success of the PON, the central government and the Papua provincial government have built the magnificent facility of the Lukas Enembe Stadium, which is the largest and grandest modern sports complex in the Pacific region. Not to mention the various building facilities and sports complexes which were then donated to the Papuan people via the regional government of the Papua Province and the regencies in the region, the value of which reached tens of trillions of rupiah.

The success of the XX PON event directly dismissed accusations of abuse for residents and eastern Indonesia, especially Papua.

SOURCE : https://www.kompasiana.com/varhanabdulaziz/619383fbc26b776b2b1a42c2/ambisi-kkb-sengsarakan-warga-papua

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