PON XX Papua is a success, PB PON thank you

The Daily Chairperson of the National Sports Week Committee or PB PON Papua, Yunus Wonda representing the General Chair of PB PON, Governor Lukas Enembe expressed his deepest gratitude to all parties who have supported the implementation of PON XX until it ended successfully.

He also expressed his gratitude to the Papuan Government, Regional Heads in the 4 organizing clusters, the Regional Police Chief and his staff, traditional leaders, religious leaders, community leaders to the Papuan people.

Yunus Wonda acknowledged that the great role of all parties greatly impacted the success of PON XX which ended happily, safely and peacefully.

"I express our gratitude on behalf of all Papuan people to Mr. President Jokowi, the Vice President and all cabinet ministries. We express our gratitude for all the support and attention to us Papuans, both in infrastructure development or match venues, equipment that has been built or prepared. by the central government to support the implementation of PON XX," Wonda said at a press conference at the PB PON secretariat, Tuesday (19/10/21).

He realized that there were still many shortcomings in the implementation of PON XX, but his party always tried to provide the best service. He also apologized if there was service to the contingent that had not been satisfactory.

“We are aware that as a committee we have many shortcomings that need to be addressed but as humans we always try to fix it. We also apologize to the returning contingent, if there are services that are less pleasing or have many shortcomings, we apologize," he said.

Previously, the implementation of PON XX in Papua received a positive response from the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil. During his time in Papua he received many positive things, from the welcome of the local community, culinary delights to its natural beauty.

"We are witnesses that Papua is safe, Papua is very beautiful, the people are friendly, we will be the spokesperson when we return from here," said the Governor who is familiarly called Kang Emil.

The quality of the PON venue, continued Kang Emil, is considered very good and must be well cared for. In addition, he also emphasized that the West Java contingent at PON Papua, not only pursues achievements, but also wants to strengthen relations with the local area.

"We came here wanting success in achievement as well as success in cultural diplomacy, so West Java brought bamboo tools and we have many Papuan alumni who have studied in West Java, then many West Java people in Papua, so we have the slogan West Java is Papua's friend," he said.

SOURCE: https://jubi.co.id/pon-xx-papua-hasil-pb-pon- convey-thank you/

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