The DPR RI has ratified the second revision of Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua on July 15, 2021.

The Papua Special Autonomy Law as a result of this revision has changed or revised 18 articles consisting of 3 articles proposed by the government, and 15 articles outside the government's proposal. Apart from these 18 articles, the Special Committee and the government also agreed on the addition of 2 articles in the Papua Special Autonomy Bill, bringing the total articles in the bill to 20 articles.

There are several changes to the articles resulting from the second revision of the Special Autonomy Law that accommodate specific arrangements for Papuan Indigenous People (OAP) in the fields of politics, education, health, employment and the economy as well as providing support for the development of indigenous peoples.

There has been a change in the political field with the expansion of political roles for OAP in membership in the Regency/City House of Representatives. So the seats of the OAP were not filled from political parties, and affirmed 30 percent of the women's element.

The fields of education and health are changing. In addition, in the field of employment and the economy, there have been changes where in carrying out economic efforts in Papua, it is mandatory to prioritize Papuan Papuans who meet the educational requirements to be recruited into the workforce.

It was also conveyed that there was an increase in spending on assistance for the empowerment of indigenous peoples and special autonomy funds, which increased by 0.25 percent. Including the division of the province in Papua which has been given facilities.

Youth leader of the Hingk district of Pegaf Regency, Issak Saroy said that the central government to provide change to the Papuan people has provided Otsus and has had a positive impact in the fields of infrastructure, education and health in Papua. Therefore, Otsus Volume II was continued.

The central government is currently revising the Special Autonomy Volume II, the purpose of the revision is to ensure that the Special Autonomy Volume II funds are properly targeted and not misused by local government officials.

"As a youth leader in the Arfak mountainous district, I urge the public to accept that Otsus Volume II is continued for the progress of all districts in Papua, and the development of road infrastructure, education and health can be well received by all Papuan people in general," he concluded.


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