Preparation for PON Papua is 95 percent

Preparation for PON Papua has reached 95 percent. This sporting event throughout Indonesia is also ready to be held on 2-15 October.
This was said by the Chairman of the Central KONI Marciano Norman when giving a statement during a virtual discussion event at the Merdeka Barat 9 Forum (FMB9) entitled "PON XX Papua, Build Nationalism and Togetherness", Monday (13/9/2021). He emphasized that the arena, equipment, contingents, and preparations for PB PON are ready to hold this four-year event.

"Preparation for PB PON which regulates in addition to venue readiness, also prepares accommodation and transportation, prepares the community so that they can be good hosts in terms of their health as well as optimizing vaccination," said Marciano.

According to him, the role of all parties is highly expected in the preparation of the Papua PON. For example, the attention of the central government in this case is the Ministry of Health, which will be assisted by the TNI and Polri so that all stakeholders optimize COVID-19 vaccination for people living around the arena.

A sense of security must be felt by contingents from outside Papua in the future. Because all who will be involved in PON Papua already have body resistance. Marciano also hopes that with all the maximum preparations, the implementation of the biggest sporting event in the country can be carried out properly.

"Speaking of sports, we only talk about Red and White. Sport is a unifying nation. This was shown at the Papua National Sports Week that 33 contingents from 33 provinces throughout Indonesia came to Papua to join their brothers and sisters in a big sporting event," said Marciano.

Menpora Zainudin Amali was also one of the speakers at this event. He talked about the importance of sport as a national identity. By exercising, it is hoped that the Indonesian people can achieve a better standard of living. PON Papua is one of the things that must be fought for.

"So far, we have placed sport in my opinion, not as a main dish, but as an appetizer or dessert. In fact, we expect the development of human resources with character, who are strong, who have the ability to compete," said Amali.

"We also encourage this sport to become an industry and how we can maintain public trust. Sport must come first, make us fit and achieve," he said.

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