Police Anticipate Threats of KKB and KNPB in the Implementation of PON

The POLICE will anticipate armed criminal groups (KKB) and demonstrations by the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) during the XX October National Sports Week (PON). The police consider these two groups as the main threats that need to be watched out for.

"The main threat in Papua Province is interference from the KKB and KNPB groups, it is also necessary to anticipate demonstrations carried out by the KNPB to try to thwart or create chaos during the implementation of PON XX Papua," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal in a statement. he wrote, Sunday (5/9).

Furthermore, he explained, this will be anticipated by the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the Papua Regional Police to guard every activity from the worst that could happen.

The police have also prepared a mechanism for escorting and regulating traffic flow so that all personnel can understand when the Sispamkota simulation is carried out. The activity, he said, would be held on Tuesday (7/9).

The Directorate of Traffic, will highlight the escort of the contingent when it arrives in Papua to avoid congestion, traffic accidents, and roadblocks by local people who refuse the activity.

"The issue raised is how the security team handles residents who violate the Prokes," he said.

As is known, the PON will certainly be held as planned on October 2-15. However, the government has not yet decided whether the activity will be carried out with or without spectators.

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri said his party would deploy around 6,000 troops to provide security during the PON activities.

They will be deployed in 4 regencies/cities that will host the PON implementation, namely Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Timika and Merauke.

"Six thousand Papuan Police personnel along with members of the police and TNI from outside Papua will be assisted in securing XX PON," he concluded.

SOURCE: https://mediaindonesia.com/politik-dan-law/430460/polisi-ananti-ancaman-kkb-dan-knpb-di-perlaksanaan-pon

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