Implementation of PON XX Papua Will Use Bubble System Sistem

The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) is very concerned about the health and safety issues of athletes and officials who will take part in the XX National Sports Week (PON) and the XVI Indonesian Paralympic Week (Peparnas) in Papua this October.

The implementation of the two major national events will emulate the 2021 Tokyo Olympics which uses a bubble system to anticipate the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, the audience may not have been allowed to come directly to the match venue.

"We will see how the Tokyo Olympics will be held this July. Because of that, actually more countries were present. So, we will imitate the implementation from Japan," said Minister of Youth and Sports Amali in the PrimeTalk Metro TV talk show with the Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate with the topic, 'PON 2020', Wednesday (30/6/2021) night.

“Most likely we will do it with a bubble system. The bubble system between the inn from the participants to the place of the match must be healthy. Then they returned to the inn. So the route is clear, maybe we will guard the jetat so people don't wander here and there. Because there is potential for the process to be undisciplined,” he added.

At the Tokyo Olympics later, said Amali, all athletes will be placed in the athletes' guest house and not allowed to go anywhere other than the location of the match. “Then there is the NOC guest at the hotel. You can't go to the athletes' accommodation and you can only go from the inn to the match venue, it keeps doing that," he explained

The Olympic committee is said to have prepared an area so that athletes and officials do not get bored and relax them. So there is no reason for the athletes to leave the competition area and lodging.

"So indeed, the bubble system is implemented, but it is guaranteed that all the needs of athletes, coaches, assistants, officials and so on are also available there," he concluded.

Thus, for PON and Peparnas later his party will see what is implemented in Tokyo. "We will of course adjust which ones are possible for us to apply. But what is clear is that we are actually implementing the health protocol," he said.

However, Menpora Amali emphasized that his party already had experience regarding the implementation of health protocols in sporting events, even though the scale was small, namely in the 2021 Menpora Cup pre-season tournament.

"I think it was possible at the time of the Menpora Cup pre-season tournament about football. We do it in 4 cities, Bandung, Solo, Jogja and Malang," he said.

At that time, said the Minister of Youth and Sports, the process was successfully implemented because everyone who wanted to enter the stadium, whether it was the committee, players and officials, was tested for COVID-19 swab before entering the stadium.

"It's a very strict procedure, the players before their match, for example, in the afternoon they competed, so at 9 am he had a swab test. So for those who met, they are truly safe," he said.

Regarding the preparation of the Papua PON, Menpora Amali ensured that all contingents that would come to Papua from 33 provinces had all been vaccinated, including athletes, coaches, and support staff.

"Including those in Papuaa, the President's direction is not only the Papuan contingent, but all people who have a minimum radius of 2/3 from the venues, from the accommodations in Papua, they must have been vaccinated and the Minister of Health has agreed. Now, the vaccine is running in Papua," he said.


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