Regional Heads in Tabi and Saereri Land Support Otsus

Regional Heads in Tanah Tabi and Saireri expressed their stance, encouraging the expansion of New Autonomous Regions (DOB) in five customary areas in Papua.

The statement of support was conveyed at regular meetings held by the regents and mayors, as well as the Chairs of the DPRD as Tanah Tabi and Saereri.

Mathius said that his party will oversee the plans for the formation of new autonomous regions to the Central Government, so that they can be realized immediately.

In addition, the meeting also addressed the revision of article 34 and article 76 of Law (UU) No. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy, for the Papua Province.

Mathius added that his party together with other regional heads will continue to oversee the revision of the said article, so that OTSUS funds are added for the Papua Province.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Biak Numfor Regency Herry Ario Naap S Si M Pd said the same thing, which strongly supports the formation of new autonomous regions.

"We propose and approve the formation of new autonomous regions in Papua, in particular the formation of provinces in accordance with their respective customary territories," explained Herry.

Just to note, at the meeting, Jayapura Mayor Benhur Tomi Mano was also present, Jayapura Regent Matthew Awaitouw, Yapen Islands Regent Toni Tesar, Biak Numfor Regent Herry Ario Naap, Deputy Regent Sarmi, Deputy Regent Supiori.

Also present were the chairman of the Jayapura Regency DPRD, the chairman of the Biak Numfor Regency DPRD, the chairman of the Keerom Regency DPRD, and a number of other representatives.

It is known that 5 customary areas in Papua Province which are planned to be divided into new autonomous regions are Tabi – Saireri, Animha (South Papua), Lapago, and Meepago.

Tabi – Saireri or Mamta covers the City and Regencies of Jayapura, Sarmi, Mamberamo Raya, and Keerom.

Meanwhile, the Animha or South Papua traditional territories are Merauke, Boven Digoel, Mappi, and Asmat Regencies.

Then the Meepago area includes the Regencies of Dogiyai, Deiyai, Nabire and Intan Jaya.

As well as the Lapago customary areas, which include Jayawijaya Regency, Bintang Mountains, Lanny Jaya, Puncak Jaya, Puncak, Nduga, Yahukimo, Yalimo, Mamberamo Tengah, and Tolikara.


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