The success of Papua's Special Autonomy should not be seen only from the disbursement of government funds

Senior Researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Adriana Elisabeth, said that to assess or evaluate the special autonomy (autonomy) in Papua whether successful or not, do not only look at the disbursement of the autonomy funds provided by the central government. The success of special autonomy in Papua must be evaluated from the various problems it has resolved and the capacity of local government administrators in the province.

"If we look at the Papua Autonomy Law (UU) only directly on the budget, then we are a little confused," said Adriana Elisabeth in the Autonomous Talk event held by the Monitoring Committee for the Implementation of Regional Autonomy (KPPOD) virtually, Wednesday (19/5 / 2021).

Because the special autonomy fund, continued Adriana, is a consequence of the agreement on priority sectors or sectors that must be developed to improve Papua's welfare, such as in the fields of education, health, economy and infrastructure.

"So if we talk about the budget, we have to look at the areas that will be developed, how complex and complex are the problems. If we look at Papua's geography, how can we provide access to public services in the fields of education and health to villages in remote areas, ”said Adriana Elisabeth.

Thus, conditions in Papua cannot be compared with other regions in Indonesia.

Another thing that must be seen, according to Adriana, is that parts of Papua still have armed conflicts. This condition must be considered in connection with the view that the disbursement of special autonomy funds for Papua is already a lot, even increasing every year, but then Papua does not appear to have developed significantly.

Likewise, if you compare the Human Development Index (HDI) figures, although the figures have increased from year to year during the special autonomy system, the HDI for Papua and West Papua is still the lowest nationally.

"Those are examples that comparing or evaluating special autonomy in Papua is not like seeing Papua as a normal region like other regions. When the funds are added, what must be seen is what problems still remain to be resolved in Papua. Whether with that allocation, the difficulties faced in the fields of education, health, local economy and infrastructure will be fulfilled, "explained Adriana Elisabeth.

Therefore, to discuss the success of special autonomy in Papua, do not always identify with the amount of budget that has been disbursed by the government. Even though this budget is an effort to support the process of accelerating development in Papua itself.

Furthermore, another factor to see the success of the Papua Special Autonomy, explained Adriana, can be seen from the capacity of regional government administration. According to him, no matter how big the budget and whatever amount of authority is given, if the capacity of regional government administrators is insufficient and they cannot manage the special autonomy funds, then all of that will become a problem.

"That is why, then there are still many problems in efforts to improve the welfare of Papua. Governance must also be seen. Don't just look at the nominal. So what is the budget allocated for the capacity of the organizers. That is what I think must be paid attention to, "said Adriana Elisabeth.


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